How to Photograph Fireworks

How to Photograph Fireworks

A simple tutorial on how to get fantastic fireworks photos!
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6 responses to “How to Photograph Fireworks”

  1. Arcane Tonedirect says:

    use what kind of paper to print fireworks shots on?

  2. DeathStar012 says:

    Quick and informative 🙂

  3. Aliengrade says:

    great job!

  4. BlacksPhoto says:

    @Joshuamiles87 Check the instruction manual for your lens. Different lenses
    engage their VR function in different ways when panning is involved.

  5. Aysha94 says:

    thanks for these tips

  6. Joshuamiles87 says:

    good tutorial…but I have one question…Why we must turn off the image
    stabilizer ( Canon ) or Vibration Reduction ( Nikon ) when we taking the

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