Lightroom 4 Tutorial – Basic Portrait Edit

Watch in HD. In this tutorial I take you through my basic portrait editing process. Let me know if anything wasn’t clear! Or if you think I missed somethi…
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Video tutorial posted 22/04/14
Category: Lightroom Tutorials

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- offers the web's best Photoshop tutorials, Illustrator video guides, CSS and HTML tutorials and much more all in one place. With new videos being added every day, you can learn how to master software and code to give your images and website some great effects.
Our site has beginner, intermediate and advanced video tutorials of varying lengths so you can learn a new skill at your own speed and level. So whether you're a web designer, print designer or just wanting to edit some family photos, you can get to it quickly and easily using these free video guides. (more)
Thanks for the info and the efforts. I have a suggestion with regard to the
grass color. I usually use HSL/COLOR/B&W panel and choose COLOR to edit any
individual color in the photo separately without affecting other colors in
the photo. I hope this is helpful.
Thank you. I am new to Lightroom and this video gives me most to start
Great! Really helpful! Greetings from Arequipa-Perú.
Thanks Nathan! I found this to be really helpful!
Dear Nathan, that was very nicely done! Simple yet enables you to get a
grasp of the LR concepts. Thank you!
very detail. Thanks a lot Nathan!
Extremely helpful, I’d love any other videos you post. Gorgeous photo and
fantastic edit, thank you!
I shot this photo on a 5D MKII with a 50mm f/1.4 lens.
Very Helpful, Thank you!
Brilliant basics guide really helped 🙂 out of curiosity what system and
display are you using in this video?
what cam and lens did u use?
Thanks! Extremely helpful – planning to watch more.
Nice video, helpful, one I’ll be sure to refer to several times.
Hey I have a question. . When I edit my pics they look amazing.. But when I
post them on Facebook they came out really redish.. Like my subjects skin
comes out like they have a sunburn. Do u have any ideas of what I might be
doing wrong?
By the way, proud to be the 100th Subscriber 🙂
Nathank Jeffers, How did you get so many options from your WB pulldown?
Mine only has 3. As Shot, Custom, and Auto.
I’m running an 21.5 iMac 2011
It sounds like you’re shooting in jpeg (whereas I’m shooting in RAW).
Google “jpeg vs. raw” to get a good explanation. To put it in very simple
terms – RAW gives you more options than JPEG when you come to the editing
process, but it’s comes at the cost of larger files.
Thanks for the video! I was afraid to watch any of these because I didn’t
want to see someone elses style and end up trying to achieve the same
results in my photos. This video was very education for someone that
doesn’t know a lot about the program, and I really appreciate that you
showed what it is capable of more so than a “this is how your photos should
look” type of video. One question: is there anything to be done about lens
flare? Thanks a lot!
I really need your help! When ever I edit in lightroom 4 and get my desired
effect, I go to save it to a JPEG / quality 80 / sRGB. But the saved images
looks really different from the way it looked in lightroom!!!! Please Help
Ha ha, thanks! I appreciate it! I figured as much, but I thought I’d ask
anyways in case I had figured wrong. Thanks for the response. Take care!
I think as long as the result turns out how you want it to look it doesn’t
matter how you go about achieving your goal.
Thank you 🙂
where can i find how to make a vanilla vintage preset