Speedtree and 3dsmax Basic Tutorial [HD]
![Speedtree and 3dsmax Basic Tutorial [HD]](http://www.videotutorials.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/d9989_3ds_max_tutorial_default.jpg)
This is a basic tutorial on how to create a basic tree in Speedtree 5.1 and import in 3dsmax for rendering using V-Ray.
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Video tutorial posted 25/04/14
Category: 3DS Max Tutorials

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Please give me full Speed tree tutorial with all its featured please i want
to learn full Speed Tree its important :/
thanks mate…that`s really helpful… you r english is really good
understandable.. :)
Worked great for me. Thanks Mate. I am using 3DS Max 2014 and two things
are different so far:
1- When you open the script you have to import the .FBX file from the
Script menu.
2- The rendered should be assigned to mental ray and the textures should be
added as an external path
hi please watch my issue
Why my fbx model is loos faces in max 2012?
I like your english, it’s tottally understandable :D
@hppava For render settings i used my own script called Swift-Switch.
Great tutorial man, really helped me out. Thanks! (Also the word “utility”
is pronounced “you TILL ih tee” in English – just in case anyone gives you
any grief about it.)
can i do tree assist and put it in CryEngine 3 SDK?
Thx man, very usefull.
Where we can find those scripts you are using? thanks
Hi.. that’s a great and useful tutorial :D, but i do have a problem after i
export to 3ds max: the leafs are 2d 🙁 and they are all oriented in the
same direction.. I can’t see if this happen also to you in this video, but
as you rotate at 5:42 it seems you do not have this problem.. I export as
fbx binary as you do.. hmm one more thing : I cannot export the tree from
3ds max to .3ds format, any ideeas why? thank u
thanks for the help 🙂 do you know where i can find the program speed tree
to export for game development?
i have 3Ds max design
I imported a tree .3ds and the foliage appears on my viewport but dont
appear on the render? help?
@hppava Edit, I am having trouble with my render settings also. Thanks for
the tutorial!
you must use cryengine
Thanks for tutorial.
Am sorry Fabinho10Ace…I dont know…Am not familiar with Unity Engine.
Video Game Development
I like the tutorial very much! I am trying to figure out how to setup the
vray materials and the render does not look realistic as yours. Do you have
the scene file? subbed/liked/commented. Thank you!
i want script for maya!!!!also i want to add fire on des trees, help me
with ur suggestions please reply soon….
you can put it into 3dsmax and from there you can export it into CE3
Yep : ) Just tick it on the fbx export : )