Web applications with Java – Tutorial 02 – Servlet + Basic HTML Form

Web applications with Java - Tutorial 02 - Servlet + Basic HTML Form

In this tutorial I will show how to create a simple HTML Form that will send information to the server. I will also create a Java HTTP Servlet to access that…

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23 responses to “Web applications with Java – Tutorial 02 – Servlet + Basic HTML Form”

  1. Anthony Rehfuss says:

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, And, Thanks again.

  2. prakash kumar says:

    Really good

  3. renegaed says:

    very clear to understand and follow. Thanks for posting.

  4. harsimranjit17 says:

    great work….

  5. TheHollowichigodark says:

    Muchas gracias por tu tutorial, realmente me ayudaste con los servlets, por
    cierto, eres muy buen profesor, sigue asi!!! thank you so much for this
    tutorial, you really helped me with the servlets, by the way, you are a
    good teacher, thanks for all!!

  6. Altin Shala says:

    Great tutorial. Your style of explaining is so good: clean, simple etc…..
    Covered things which are taking me ages to understand. Thank you.

  7. pr0master says:

    Dude, you are awesome!! thanks!!

  8. NCIS1797 says:


  9. Rashad Javadov says:

    great i did thanks

  10. deadhorse0hungary says:

    Great vid, thanks!

  11. alagambhatp says:

    Excellent !!!!

  12. nipho91 says:


  13. phomat64 says:

    Thank so much! You just helped me and 32 other students in my web app
    class. Our teacher didn’t teach us how to setup tomcat or servlets. Thanks
    so much!

  14. Stalyn says:


  15. Fredo McLauren says:

    Great Job!

  16. TheHollowichigodark says:

    thanks for this tutorial, you really helped me with the servlets, by the
    way, you are a good teacher, thanks for all!!!!

  17. zirconias0 says:

    @camigonz hi, thank you for sharing , verry interesting verry usefull i was
    unabl to do servlet for 2weeks with all documentations… there is no other

  18. Luis Cabrera says:

    Camilo you are the man!

  19. rahulsen555 says:

    grrrrr8 video ……….. 10+/10

  20. ROBINSONREX1 says:

    I tried doing this but I get a error “java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
    org.example02.test.ServletExample” I followe excatly like your folder

  21. chicitorico says:


  22. Priya Suchak says:

    It wass very very helpful.! Thanks a ton.! 🙂

  23. malicant123 says:

    Thank you so much for this, it was a HUGE help.

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