3ds max tutorial chair part 3

3ds max tutorial chair part 3

3ds max tutorial chair part 3.
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23 responses to “3ds max tutorial chair part 3”

  1. Izoldochka Alice says:

    Thank you very much!

  2. sw33tbay says:

    you either slow down what you are pressing or you need to speak and explain
    what you are doing 

  3. Jared Williams says:

    Nicely Done. I didn’t know you could do that with the editable spline
    within the poly.

  4. suzy awad says:

    Excellent work ..thanks 

  5. phlgroup says:

    You do a great job modeling, but this is not a tutorial. If you cant speak
    or explain what you are doing, its no help to us. But thank you anyways.


    Me costo mucho trabajo hacer esta silla te agradezco tu tiempo y esfuerzo,
    esto no tiene precio, un saludo fraterno desde mexico

  7. muhammed haroon says:

    Brillient……got an idea…thank you

  8. bakualu says:

    great tutorial! thanks 🙂

  9. soronefabrik1 says:

    very helpful 😀 (mad skills btw…)

  10. serjik1983 says:


  11. Sebastian Rodrigues says:

    I would chop my balls and penis off to have just 10% of your skills.

  12. freecg.info says:

    Nice tutorial man. I like the technique you use. It is a little different
    than how I usually do it, but that is good. You used some modifiers I had
    never thought of before.

  13. Brad Haircut says:

    Interesting tutorial, but I am not sure it was that was relevant to add
    sound. Your keyboard makes a neat sound but it’s hard to guess what keys
    you are pressing by ear :p

  14. Angel Ng Kar Khei says:

    Thank for your tutorial~ It teach me so much, now i can try to make an
    sofa^^ Thank so much

  15. Ivan Chosse says:

    excellent! et quelle rapidité! bravo….

  16. Diana GONZALES POZO says:


  17. apel ringo says:

    Woow NICE. TQ so much, GREAT tutorial 😀

  18. Ahmed Gamal says:

    very nice , very easy good luck body

  19. Aju Ajinas says:

    thank u…very use full

  20. madkillerabdo says:

    So that’s how they do it o_O! This is amazing! Can’t wait to try this out,
    my scenes are looking more advanced now, Thanks! 😀

  21. DSLeicester says:

    Il’d just use a bump map, few instances of these will cause issues

  22. Steven Topley says:

    Thanks for sharing, great stuff.

  23. Anoop Kadavila says:


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