After Effects CS4- futuristic hologram window tutorial (Joseph Al-Ahmad tutorial)

After Effects CS4- futuristic hologram window tutorial (Joseph Al-Ahmad tutorial)

Please consider subscribing! In this episode you will learn how to create a futuristic window seen in many Sci-fi and other productions.
Video Tutorial Rating: 4 / 5

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17 responses to “After Effects CS4- futuristic hologram window tutorial (Joseph Al-Ahmad tutorial)”

  1. New magic says:

    michael jackson

  2. Raman Kale says:

    BC its nt full tute….plz tell how to do flickery effect to that
    futuristic window…??????

  3. Jason Dominateus says:

    You sound too stoned to be teaching, kid. Thnx anyway.

  4. respectfulremixer says:

    useful -thanks

  5. LF-Music says:

    good music in the beginning haha :D

  6. WMv3dS says:

    pleas help me i don’t find the correction color TINT in my Programme
    download link pleas 

  7. Hao Ly says:

    Bombass intro song. Bombass Tutorial. Thanks so much for sharing boss!

  8. redhoodART says:

    u eaned a new sub

  9. HowToMakeIt156 says:

    okokkok. my FX video is inside “synthebest” channel. i have 1 a hologram
    videos inside that channel. check it out. i follow all you do. thx a lot
    bro! i will subscribe you 😉

  10. いちご 海 says:

    It’s pretty good!!!*q* and I had much fun while I was watching this xD *q*

  11. Joseph AlAhmad FILMMAKING says:

    Any time! Please subscribe for more 😉

  12. video7austria says:

    Michael Jackson 😀

  13. Joseph AlAhmad FILMMAKING says:

    I’m sorry to dissapoint 🙁

  14. techbitar says:

    Thank you. Very helpful.

  15. Kaustubh Kishore says:

    Very helpful but uuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmm i forgot

  16. SaVy Studios says:

    can i add a picture to the hologram?

  17. Manish kay says:


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