C# Tutorial 13:Show database values in Table or DataGridView

C# Tutorial 13:Show database values in Table or  DataGridView

C# – How to get user entered data from datagridview to windows Insert, Update and Delete from DataGridView to sql server,MySql Sql database Microsoft Visual …
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13 responses to “C# Tutorial 13:Show database values in Table or DataGridView”

  1. Psychocrysma says:

    I am trying to get the first value of the clumn Eid, which is a changeable
    value, but I can’t get it. I tried using the “SELECT * FROM users.infos
    LIMIT 0,1 ;”, but it doesn’t work. It always says “Connection must be valid
    and open”. But when I don’t write anything about it, it works, which means
    it isn’t the connection. How can I get the value and set a “int id =

  2. MossCo LaaDo says:

    Thank you so much for the tutorial vidz they are really helpful

  3. sutacârligmarian Nelu says:

    Good tutorial. Thank you.

  4. Paul Bert says:

    Do we have to close the connection to the database after we get the data to
    the gridview? such as myConn.Close();?

  5. jenan savanath says:

    when i type DataTable it come out as error

  6. Psychocrysma says:

    What if I only want the first value in the column Eid, but I don’t know the
    current Value of that one?

  7. Jay53089 says:

    Please don’t move your cursor around so much during your demo.. it’s quite

  8. Rajat Sharma says:

    You should start a blog so that others can get the code and read what u
    explain in your videos

  9. Richard Tonata says:

    How do i display data on a data grid from Multiple Tables.. I have Customer
    Table and People Table..

  10. DimiEG says:

    Useful tutorials, thanks! The question – Is it possible to edit MySQL data
    directly in table cells and not in separate text fields? Have a tip: make a
    short video with answers for ‘youtube’ questions 😉

  11. Sushi Wasabi says:

    Fucking hell, thank you!

  12. didupati says:

    nice one:-) I started liking your videos:-) good job…Thanks for your
    time….pls continue doing..Thank you!

  13. Zavi Yagen says:

    download please?

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