C# Tutorial Creating Custom Button like Office 2010 in Visual Studio

C# Tutorial Creating Custom Button like Office 2010 in Visual Studio

This Tutorial Helps to Create an Custom Windows Forms Button Like Office 2010 Button in C# Button Styles : 1. Word 2010 2. Excel 2010 3. Publisher 2010 4. Ou…
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8 responses to “C# Tutorial Creating Custom Button like Office 2010 in Visual Studio”

  1. Manivannan Sekar says:

    My Youtube Videos

    C# Tutorial Creating Custom Button like Office 2010 in Visual Studio

  2. Khaltazar says:

    Why make a video? You should have just made some blog with all the code
    listed there. No one is going to click your fishy links.

  3. Khuong Tran says:

    thanks so much!!!

  4. SAGR1 says:

    Awesome!! Thanks dude.

  5. Jakub Žižka says:

    What t fak was dis? You did not even show links you were coping from. Shame
    on you:-)

  6. Dominik Spilka says:

    Awesome, you’ve shown you can copy and paste code… Not helpful at all
    who’s trying to find out how exactly does it all work.

  7. MrDajakon says:

    Greate work, very helpful thing that its most fot for ppl which havent any
    idea how to programe own control. Thx

  8. Recep Gür says:

    good work

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