RCT3 FIREWORKS TUTORIAL 12-A(particle rotation applications)

This tutorial explains how to use particle rotation to create rocket exhaust, bow-tie fireworks, and drifting smoke/wind effects.
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Video tutorial posted 26/05/14
Category: Fireworks Tutorials
Tags: 12Aparticle, applications, Fireworks, RCT3, rotation, Tutorial

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Ok I know how to do everything up to 12 accept add glitter on the flares
one. Can you like remake this on how you did it cuz when i i did it my
exhaust wasnt all bunched up it was spread out like a spark trail
@baseball8610 2 things will decrease the width of a tail; lower
sphere/circle speed and higher particle drag setting.
@59525354 I believe I have a section on multiple stage fireworks in my
tutorials, look for that part there.
Stupit question…. But i cant put them to work in for real? I mean….
Cant get them into a fire box…. They all have red dots in them and they
wont fire out of it :/ Tried all type of boxes yet no respond, Little help
here please
yeah i got an idea for tutorial.. kinda… tutorial for how to make smoke?
@Dr3amCatch Make sure it is a firework mortar and not a water jet or laser
dome. Click on firework in timeline then on any mortar.
@progamerxt Use higher gravity. I have a tutorial on making willows…which
will help.
Very helpful,I found it useful for changing the point of view on “ring”
shells,keep up the good work
can u tell me how do make the stars and sparkle trail go down like an
umbrella shape…
hold on a sec… 2 Q’s… What type of particle did you use for the rocket
to make it look like the tip(in particle basics)? What type of fire
particle did you use for the exhaust(particle basics too)?
for all those people out there: the angles he uses on emitter spin in this
tut are NOT perfect. full 360 degrees is 6.28, so 90 degrees is 1.57 etc.
5:20 of 12-B
@puppylover569 particle stretch for the cone effect. as for the exhaust, I
just used a hazy looking particle i think.
Can you tell me how to make basic shell here i see all yours tutorials, but
i dont know how this basic shell make
Why is it that you explain things so weird and make it seem complicated.
It’s not rocket science. Plz stop talking as if it was. Simple words, we r
not in college. It’s a game, not a pro. software. I got photoshop and I
learned it in about a week or less. something that people take classes on!
This seems more complicated when you explain! ahhh i just needed to know
how to make palm looking fireworks. What tutoral is it?
can u tell me how to make a crossette