Adobe Illustrator Tutorial – How To Create Professional Gradients

Adobe Illustrator Tutorial - How To Create Professional Gradients

Adobe Illustrator Tutorial – How To Create Professional Gradients VISIT US NOW – Graphic Designer Tips will teach you how to m…

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14 responses to “Adobe Illustrator Tutorial – How To Create Professional Gradients”

  1. Ian Griffith says:

    straight forward and informative, little hint at the end was helpful 

  2. MyOnlyLoveMusic says:

    how do you make a stroke a gradiant ??

  3. Stephen Looney says:


  4. BigMamaluvBigPapa says:

    Thanks pal! 🙂 I finally managed it! Wouldn’t know what to do without your
    vids, they’re very helpful!!!

  5. SmokyHD3 says:

    You’re?? xD

  6. DivineWM says:

    Thanks alot.. You’re tutorial is Awesome, i learned alot.. I just made a
    youtube channel to subsribe;)

  7. Ann-Marie Brown says:

    Love, love, love your channel!!! Looking for a tut that shows how to
    simulate a metallic gradient (specifically for metal ring around glass lens
    of a magnifying glass).

  8. Stephen Looney says:

    @BigMamaluvBigPapa Good to hear. Let me know if you run into any new
    issues….Good Luck Designing 🙂

  9. Stephen Looney says:

    All I have to say is Awesome Screen Name!! THanks for commenting and

  10. Stephen Looney says:

    @asger3331 Thank You!! I hope this helped 🙂

  11. dasseleer says:

    I love your tuts! It really helps me a lot! Keep up the good work! My goal
    is to made a good portofolio without study by school. I want to learn it
    myself. After that i want to learn html or dreamweaver. Then i can put my
    own site online. I love digital graphic design. But it’s hard to in the
    beginning because it’s not easy to master the adobe suite. I give myself a
    few years. I am very motivated so that will help me a lot! Thanks to all
    the people who show others how to use the prgrams! Regards

  12. Stephen Looney says:

    I’m so happy to hear that……You can really change the looks of things
    with an awesome gradient. I have a lot of future videos I am in the process
    of planning. Good luck!! 🙂

  13. Stephen Looney says:

    @BigMamaluvBigPapa Not sure where your comment went, but to answer your
    question, you will see the gradient stay black and white as a default even
    if you selected a box with BLUE for instance. Once you select the element
    that you want the gradient in, you need to go to your gradient palette and
    click on the actual faded color from black to white and then you will be
    able to edit. Hope this helped. Let me know. Peace!!

  14. Stephen Looney says:

    Love using gradients! Thank you. Subscribe!

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