C# Tutorial – Declaring and adding data to Arrays

Quick video on how to declare and add data to an array.
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Video tutorial posted 08/06/14
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GOD bless u! Can u make videos about C# 5 ( asynchronous programming, etc)
Hi. First of all thank you for all of your videos. I became an instant fan
I do have a quick question about the Location of the declaration.
Whenever I declare an array , I find that some of the other methods/classes
will not recognise it. So I start to move it around until I get all of the
methods to “see it”.
So what’s the difference between, for example, declaring before the
initializing component (WPF) or before the public Form ? Etc.
You also can declare: int nums [] = new int [10];
Good tutorial must say!.
If you want to know what im going though… Well… Hell! nah im just
kidding 😛 im trying to create an array that will, for each time you press
a button add whats in the textbox into an array which will later be opened
in a different form, or rather be used in a “if else” sequense in differant
form :P
Is there a way to take user input as the data for the array?
No problem. Just to clarify my previous comment, I do understand the
concept of multidimensional arrays and jagged arrays but its their
implementation in a program that I sometimes get confused with.
Great video. I was just starting on arrays and you’ve explained it
perfectly, better than my book and better than the other C# videos on
youtube. It would be great if maybe you could expand on this and talk about
multidimensional arrays and jagged arrays. I dont know why but it still
doesnt seem crystal clear to me.
what does i present in C#?? Not to be dumb, i am totally new in c#
Hey man this is an amazing video. Please keep them coming… I also have a
request dealing with arrays. What about an array where the user defines the
number of spaces as well as the content, in the console.
do we have to use foreach (int i in numbs)??? also what does i present in
Thanks alot
Perfect! Comment is appreciated and thank you very much for the suggestion.
That’s exactly what I am looking for. I will definitely put a video
together exploring arrays in more depth.
Thaaankk YOU!!!!
dude you are the best! you just helped me do my homework!!! My professor
needs to be fired!!
I posted a vid about multidimensional arrays. Check it out when you get a
chance. Thank you.
that is great. best I have seen so far on the subject. cool
do we really have to use foreach (int i in numbs)???
what if you want to read from a textfile and store it in an array?? Thanks!
Hmm. I would want to ask whether how you create a list of array which is
integer and can be pick out randomly when the user enter the number.
Fabio, im a kinda lost with arrays cus of my c/c++ experience. In c, i
could atribute to an array just a word,and then, every slot of this array
must have a letter. But in C#, every slot contains the whole word, and then
im not able to search inside this array for letters. Is there some way to
do that? Or this is just possible in c/c++? Sry about my english, im from
brazil. Grats