Depth of Field Effect in Photoshop

Depth of Field Effect in Photoshop

How to quickly create a fake depth of field effect using Adobe Photoshop. Get rid of distracting background or foreground objects and make your photos pop!
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6 responses to “Depth of Field Effect in Photoshop”

  1. Daniel Martinez says:

    The magic wand tool always works perfectly in tutorial videos. It hates me
    in real life though. I can never get any good selections with it. hahaha.

  2. Alberto Petrini says:

    Gracias…muy util y sencillo…

  3. golfguyuk says:

    Thank You! Good introduction!

  4. zodiac7771 says:


  5. MrRacerifier says:

    It looks like shit for me.

  6. JohnCerpa- says:

    lens bloooo xD

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