Four Different Vintage Effects and Looks in One Single Lightroom 4 Tutorial

Four Different Vintage Effects and Looks in One Single Lightroom 4 Tutorial

Full article at – In this episode we will be using the Lightroom 4 Preset System to sh…
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18 responses to “Four Different Vintage Effects and Looks in One Single Lightroom 4 Tutorial”

  1. Richard Powazynski says:

    How to get that ‘hazy’ look in Lightroom 4, very interesting. What was even
    more interesting was the amount of presets the author has created. I wish I
    had some more like this. If anyone knows of a website about creating such a
    range of presets please let me know. In the meantime i’ll keep looking.

    +Adobe Photoshop Lightroom

    Four Different Vintage Effects and Looks in One Single Lightroom 4 Tutorial

  2. Kawehi Vincent says:

    I’m wondering how you got so many presets? I think everyone is.. Please
    respond!! :)

  3. Kęstutis Šliauderis says:

    very nice work, your’e good at what your’e doing 🙂 thanks

  4. Puma Heaven says:

    brauch das gleiche in deutsch :/

  5. Kawehi Vincent says:

    Found a website that could help us with the presets maybe.–photo-8640

  6. Amanda Taylor says:

    Okay, people keep complaining that he’s only using presets and didn’t
    explain anything. Maybe try watching the whole video – because at the end
    he does. Thanks. Bye.

  7. Alyssa James says:

    Where do you download or buy the presets??

  8. Dinahhs3 says:

    I am saving and def buying the preset looks good :)))

  9. Gabriele Morelli says:

    Hi Tonga, have you ever got an answer for your question? If yes, please
    post it here it would be very helpful 🙂 Thanks

  10. ram casty says:

    hello there! nice tutorial! are there any ways I could get your presets?
    tnx a lot!

  11. Carlos Valladares says:

    you didnt explain nothing at all using only presets of from who knows. a
    real explain uses the manual settings in the right bar. (exposure,
    highligts, etc)

  12. Er Llamelo says:

    nice tutorial 😀 i have a question, when choosing many presets, are you
    holding CTRL key then choose one by one the preset to add another presets?
    becoz when im trying to choose another preset for my image, the previous
    preset effect will gone 🙁 pls help me with this. thanks in advance 😀

  13. Blabrador33 says:

    Where do you go to buy the presets you use in the video for hair lightening
    and lip enhancing?

  14. kanika amorasingh says:

    where can I get these presets?

  15. dan s. says:

    Rather nice to see you save an under-filled photo. Good job on the post

  16. Alexandra Zk says:

    hiiii..i just want to ask a question because i’m all new in lightroom
    thing…. so if you choose a preset and the click anotherone, do you lose
    the sets of the first?

  17. Pye Jirsa says:

    It’s part of the same SLR Lounge LR4 Preset System, it is all in one set.

  18. Rith Captures says:

    how to download preset free?

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