How to Create Vector Art Illustrations in Adobe Fireworks – Tutorial – Part 2 of 2 – How to Create Vector Illustrations in Adobe Fireworks Download Work File –…
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Video tutorial posted 10/06/14
Category: Fireworks Tutorials

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Click > Drag > Click 😉
Great video, I was totally lost, but you definitely made me see the light
LOL I was kinda giggling in the “Click, Click Drag” part though XD
That’s true, that’s what happened to me with photoshop, at the beginning
everything seemed too much buttons for me, bur then… with practicing
watching some videos on youube, I learned editing photos, creating …
simple graphics :). Anyway, thanks alot for your video.
Thanks man I followed along in illustrator. The only thing different was
the transparent gradient effect which is a pain in the ass with illustrator
cs3 but I got it done nonetheless!
Thank you! you’re better than my professor.
That’s a great way to teach the tools. Thanks for the video.
Great video, Thanks so much for posting this!!! This one and Part 1 helped
me out tremendously! You do an excellent job giving step-by-step
Yup, you can pretty much learn anything with a little practice. Thanks for
the feedback, much appreciate it.
You sir, are amazing. The way you patiently, carefully and flawlessly
describe every part of the illustration process is incredible. Thanks a lot
for taking out the time to do this for us, God bless.
Thanks for this tutorial Michael, I decided to learn Fireworks since I’m
very interested by web designing. I just wanted to know if is there any
option to make the island reflection with a mask like in Illustrator or
Photoshop? And thanks again for your inspirational videos. keep up the
amazing work 🙂
Great tutorial and easy to follow. Thanks. You make it seem so simple.
Thank You -your video was very clear and easy to follow!
Thanks, learnt alot. Although I also found out I suck at the pen tool so I
created the palm trees to look like their ones because I couldn’t do your
way. :p
I’m still very confused how you draw with the vector tool. Do you have a
tutorial for it?
I’m in fw cs5, it has ‘auto vector mask’ but it really doesn’t want to
co-operate with me on that one. What to do?
aw man. i was waiting for those dolphins.
thank you so much … its very useful for me .. thank you thank you ..
I learned all this on my own. It’s really easy 🙂 ..just takes a little
practice. Once you know where the tools are and understand how to create
basic shapes (circle, square, triangle, etc.), you can pretty much then do
anything with it.
Great work, so infromative and helpful… did you learn that by yourself or
studied them??
@sjsawyer Hey, that’s cool that you followed along in illustrator. I always
tell people that the vector tools are very similar in fireworks and
illustrator. Thanks for the feedback. 😉
Thanks for the feedback. Glad you found it useful.
Very very very very very very GOOD tutorial dude 😉 THNX!!
Awesome tutorial. Thanks.