Learn Lightroom 5 – Part 27: Selective Color (Training Tutorial)

Learn Lightroom 5 - Part 27: Selective Color (Training Tutorial)

In this, Episode 27 of Learn Lightroom 5, I demonstrate how to create an image with Selective Color. Selective Color is a technique that results in having (u…
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20 responses to “Learn Lightroom 5 – Part 27: Selective Color (Training Tutorial)”

  1. colourmegone says:

    I prefer to use Photoshop and either a selection or a layer mask depending
    on what else I want to do but this looks great for quick result.

    So far as selective colour being “SO 1990s” I’ll just say that Black &
    White “is SO 1890s”. A beautiful image is a beautiful image, no matter what
    techniques were used to produce it. That’s like criticising a watercolour
    painting for not being in oils or acrylics, it makes no sense. I can see
    the point if selective colour is a knee jerk technique applied willy-nilly
    but when it’s appropriate it can really make a subject pop.

  2. MrCLD2011 says:

    Thanks for another great video Anthony!! Hope you had a great

  3. iraqiboy says:

    thank you anthony, that was very helpful. 

  4. Billie Winkle says:

    Wow.. another powerful video. Thanks!

  5. Gustavo Donado says:

    Another concise and very clear video on a trick that I had seen many times
    before but didn’t know how to obtain it. Again Tony, many, many thanks for
    helping us improve or pictures.

  6. rarityd says:

    thank you

  7. Vidar Reiersen says:

    I enjoy your videos :-)

  8. Uday Kiran says:

    excellent video , learnt is very easily!!
    Thank you Anthony..

  9. Ron Cooper says:

    Thanks Anthony. Did all the vids that concern me – don’t have NIK, so
    skipped it. You really opened up my mind to how I can recreate some images
    that I used much more crude software to create. Reborn images on the

  10. Tejaswaroop Reddy says:

    thks +Anthony Morganti 

  11. Paul Macleod says:

    thank you for posting another easy to understand video.. I just got
    Lightroom yesterday..

  12. MIke van says:

    Absolutely love your videos, they have given my photo’s a “second life”.
    About the critiques, what you meant to say was:”If you like it, i will show
    you how”.

  13. Sainath Bollapalli says:

    Thank you very much for the informative tutorials. I learnt something abt
    light room by watching your videos.
    Am going to try this technique soon :-)

  14. TetsusaigaDrgn says:

    There’s a sale on Amazon for PSE-12 and Lightroom-5. I just ordered
    Lightroom-5 on Amazon, but I want PSE-12 because of the panorama feature.
    Do you think It’s worth spending $50 for PSE-12 even though I just bought

  15. Reagan Lunn says:

    Thank you for all your videos. They are extremely helpful.

  16. Paulo Frings says:

    Great video, as always, Anthony.

    One question: Why not skip “step 1” and go straight to “step 2”?

  17. Gerard Hayes says:

    As an enthusiastic amateur and recent user of LR, I really value your
    videos! I have experimented with selective colour using a different
    technique -but believe that your approach is elegant!

  18. mitsubishidiamante says:

    just subscribe 

  19. pappinr says:

    Another great video Anthony. And I couldn’t agree more! If a person likes
    an effect then so what?! It is all about the art of photography and you
    have shown us all in your series about some ways to maximize the art in our
    images. Thanks again for showing us the technique and the art!

  20. GIRISH. VAGHELA. says:

    very very nice
    Anthony, thanks for all the training videos……

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