Microsoft Excel Pivot Table Tutorial for Beginners – Excel 2003, 2007, 2010

Microsoft Excel Pivot Table Tutorial for Beginners - Excel 2003, 2007, 2010

This is an introduction to using Pivot Tables (or PivotTables) in Microsoft Excel. It works in Excel 2003, 2007, 2010, and 2013.
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18 responses to “Microsoft Excel Pivot Table Tutorial for Beginners – Excel 2003, 2007, 2010”

  1. PaveLowExpert says:

    Excellent, clear and to the point. Thumbs up.

  2. Seven Foot Pelican says:

    Amazing. Can you make a video revolving the basics of vlookups, conditional
    formatting, sumifs, matchindex, countifs, shortcuts, array formulas and and

  3. Sneha Ravichandran says:

    excellent tutorial !!! 

  4. Peter Rasa Viviani says:

    “This could take a month… er, I mean hour.” lol… Just givin a hard
    time, great video though :)

  5. Allen Livera says:

    Nice job. Thank you.

  6. Steve Auguste says:

    Great video. Short, succinct and useful for learning how to use the pivot
    table feature.

  7. Learn Excel Pivot Tables says:

    Very clear and concise, thanks :)

  8. Andre Williams says:

    So easy top understand Thank You, do you have any other Pivot table

  9. Nick L says:

    Thank you. Quick and informative!

  10. AfroShe says:

    This is just what I’m looking for! Thanks for sharing!!

  11. Toby Bogey says:

    Thanks. You saved my arse for my first day at work on Monday.

  12. Vincent Nunya says:

    Great video!!!!

  13. Marcus Grant says:

    And to think I was going to pay nearly £200 for a course on pivot tables…
    Youtube FTW!!!

  14. Saheed Falola says:


  15. Stephanie Blackburn says:

    Very simple and to the point tutorial. SO helpful! I’ve learned pivot
    tables before but it’s been so long since I’ve used them, and this was a
    great refresher.

    The only thing I’d recommend is maybe you could include a download link to
    your data set? I like to try things myself to make sure I’m getting it, and
    I went through and typed about 20 rows of your data set before I realized
    you had 500! 😛 I just had to go with an abridged version.

    Thanks so much for this tutorial!

  16. Edwin Ramos says:


  17. Shelvy kurwan gow says:

    thank you! this really helps me out :)

  18. Jeffrey Bue says:

    Great explanation. I’ve heard and read about pivot tables but never
    understood what they are used for. This is great. Thanks for sharing.

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