NEW! Adobe Illustrator Tutorial! Make Comic Style Text!

Check this video out at Hi-Res here: We will learn how to make some comic styled text in …
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Video tutorial posted 06/06/14
Category: Illustrator Tutorials

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You really need to have a plan before you start the “tutorial”. A tutorial
means you are actually teaching something. You go too fast and you change
directions waaaaay too much for anyone to follow along and take notes. If
you’re wanting to show someone you know how to do the task quickly, then I
suppose you’ve succeeded, but if you’re trying to teach someone how to
create this lettering, you have failed miserably. Slow down, stop jumping
around, and explain the move ONCE and stick to it.
hey thanks so much for posting this up, really thought it was gonna be
difficult but u made it easy after viewing this clip. was wonder could i
achieve the same thing, when i draw out my own fonts, scan it, then live
trace it, without any complication following the steps on this clip?
cool! the strokes actually makes the whole thing look 3d without using 3d
effect 😀
can you do this on the cs3 version?
thanks for the is great!! I just want to know if it is ok to
modify a typeface like helvetica or maybe I break the law??
thanx, i made my name in a logo for my freelance profile people seem to luv
it 🙂
@ghostkian1 go to dafont . com and search for comic fonts and ust pick one
i hope this works! thanks though!
How can you get photoshop for free download?
hey…where do i can get free font to download??
Thanks alot, this was really really helpful.
вот амереканец паршивый нет чтобы по-русски говорить(((
how the fuck did i get here from watching MW3 vids
Thank You man mine came out good
Got your tutorial well.
lol while watching the vid I was thinking what’s this guys name (since I
had it full screen can’t see his name below) then just realized he was
editing his channel’s name 😛 stupid me :))
great vid!!! 5 stars!
cs2 friend
Is it possible to get the link to the font? I’ve googled it, but nothing
comes up.