Part 59 C# Tutorial Difference between Convert ToString and ToString

Part 59 C# Tutorial Difference between Convert ToString and ToString

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2 responses to “Part 59 C# Tutorial Difference between Convert ToString and ToString”

  1. rvnl0rd says:

    It is curious, because I tried this:
    Console.WriteLine(“Convert.ToString(C1) = {0}”, (str == null || str == “”)
    ? “Null” : str);
    this: str == null returns false
    while this: str == “” returns true.
    I have a lot to learn i guess, cuz i thought that even while
    convert.tostring handled null properly i thought that these two str == null
    and str == “” should both return true, debugging shows otherwise.

  2. vangli rajan says:

    great tip venkat, we usually check null and then convert. i didnt know

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