[photoshop tutorial] how to make manips

[photoshop tutorial] how to make manips

this tutorial was requested by a few people on rp so i decided to make a video and share it with everyone 😀 and i PROMISE there will be more videos sooon. i…
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15 responses to “[photoshop tutorial] how to make manips”

  1. Maddy Murphy says:

    Do you know where the move tool is for photoshop CC?

  2. Bora Yoon says:

    OMG thank you very much for this!

  3. BlackAngel123jb says:


  4. Brandy IDK says:

    can we use something besides photoshop?

  5. Katie Mae says:

    Thank you so much omg

  6. Ian Xander Kath says:

    excellent ^^ Thank u 🙂 I have my CS6 .

  7. Kat says:

    @RawrxAmberx will you update for photoshop CS6?

  8. borntobemagical says:

    Just started learning Photoshop and this was really helpful. Thank you!
    p.s. check your messages (;

  9. Bajekitty says:

    That’s nice but it’s better and safer to use a layer mask when blending :),
    the 3rd icon at the bottom of the layers panel looks like a square with a
    circle in it, make sure colours are set to white and black, the mask is
    white make sure it is selected, use paint brush tool, a soft one for
    blending. Black erases what u dont want and white puts it back, for those
    who don’t know about layer mask.

  10. lovedreameat says:

    what photo shop is this

  11. Erika Estrela says:

    Hii, do you have any link to download photoshop cs4 ? :3

  12. Prittyphile says:

    Thanks hon, this was really helpful <3

  13. sims3isme says:

    How much does this cost to download?

  14. RawrxAmberx says:

    @BrownieHoaw96 Wow, what a compliment! Thank youu! 😀 I do sort of have a
    tutorial channel, but I don’t use it much cuz I didn’t think anyone would
    be interested. But, I think I might upload more often. My tutorial channel
    is xstarryxtutorialsx I have a few videos uploaded on there. I might make
    more photoshop ones xD

  15. Dulce Gonzalez says:

    Thanks for this video, it literally is amazing because i just made my manip
    using this. xx

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