WordPress Responsive Child Themes Tutorial Part#1 Updated Version

This Tutorial uses version 1.9.3 of the Responsive Theme but can be used for earlier versions as well! Part #1 of a complete tutorial series on creating Resp…
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Video tutorial posted 23/06/14
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Responsive WordPress Child Theme Tutorial from Allan at
MindVisionMedia.net. If you are not using a child theme to edit your
WordPress site or Blog, you should, its easy and will save you some time
and headache in the event something happens to your files. Part #1 and #2
detail what you need to know to get started using a child theme on the
Responsive or any theme.
Hi Allan. I already installed and activated the Responsive WordPress
Theme. I have also started using the Appearance Editor and changed things
around. If I create the Child theme now… is it going to work properly
or should I go back and undo everything I have already done? Thanks….
excellent instructions, there are many videos but quality is what is best!
good job on showing and explaining the steps to create a child theme in
Allan, great tutorials. Very easy even for a newbie like myself. I was
unable to copy the screenshot.png in c-panel from parent to child but a
work around is to download it from the parent and then upload to the child
directory. Responsive
why or how did the parent theme inherit the changes you made to the
sreenshot in the child theme?
thanks for some very helpful insight to child themes.
Hi Allen, very nice video. Thanks for posting. I have a question – I just
went through creating the child theme successfully, but it seems to have
lost its responsiveness. It looks like I may be missing certain divs with
certain classes, etc. For example, the navigation gets lost when the
browser window is less than about 530px wide. Not sure what I may have
missed. Any ideas? http://targmarksolutions.com/wordpress/
Hello YouthPastorSkid, you can do that except for the functions file. You
only need files that end in php or css, any others are not needed and only
files that you edited need to be copied. then you can update your parent
theme and your child theme will not change. be cautious of file name
changes in updates and make copies of all files first. Thanks
Ok Thanks!
Hi, thanks for this video, i’ve subbed. Do you make video’s on how to
customise child themes by adding category blog pages? I’m looking for a
tutorial on how to make each page a blog for a specific category. E.g. all
posts on laptops, go to the laptops blog page within my theme. At the
moment, i’ve got one blog page and all my other pages are static. Thanks
What if I copy all my files from the parent folder into the child theme?
Will this give me a complete copy of the parent since I have been working
on my website for a month now?
Great videos, Allan! Thank you for sharing. I couldn’t believe how easy
this process is, well the creating of a child theme. I have so many
questions though. I want to learn how to add decorative images like
borders, custom images for dates, and even post titles, but I want to add
it where it’s a permanent decor, part of theme. This is for blogging
page/posts. Do you have a video like this one? If not, would love to see
one. 🙂 Thanks. Also, a video on how to add scrips/html/css.
LOLOLOL, I know I was on the floor after writing it, too funny the way it
came out.
I know that tutorial is for, but starting with the version
a new approach was included for the child theme of Responsive. A major
error is to include in styles file of the child theme the code: @import
url(“../responsive/style.css”); The responsive style is broken. See the
details at the Cyberchimps website for guide and update (the link
cannot be included here)