3ds Max HDRI Reflections Tutorial

3ds Max HDRI Reflections Tutorial

Download the Project Files! http://www.sokrispymedia.com/content/3ds-max-hdri-reflections-tutorial/ Here’s a tutorial on how to create and use an HDRI in 3ds…

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22 responses to “3ds Max HDRI Reflections Tutorial”

  1. jitsslo says:

    omg… u guys should be working for hollywood

  2. VitorMiguell says:

    well..ok..or you could just take a photo of what you want to reflect,isn’t?
    But anyway, that part from “day ligth” drop my jaw… you can set up the
    sun position
    by the exactly day and time??? AWESOME!

  3. VeghelProductions says:


  4. Adamu B. Adamu says:

    Simply Stunning! Credit for making your own hdri. More tuts Please 🙂

  5. VeghelProductions says:

    I have an camcorder, should i just lower the iso or what, i have an
    exporuse menu, but when i click on that i get four options:
    program,shutter,aperture and manual. i dont know how it works on a
    camcorder, on a DSLR it is eays. Can you help?

  6. Omer Rivlin says:

    so should i use the this method for the envirement or should i make a huge
    sphere the contains the scene?

  7. VidMuze says:

    Nice job buddy.

  8. RatshiazTzuirzm says:

    Thans for tuturial.i did same things but i have a problem for animation. If
    i rotate objects background(environment) image not rotates.its fixed. How
    can i solve this.

  9. massster21 says:

    Awesome tutorial! It works for Video Copilot Element 3d as well. Thanks a
    lot for your effort in this tutorial, it was really helpfull 😉

  10. fekulekaka says:

    I think you should post your own HDR Shop in a mediafire link (or whatever)
    because It’s imposible to find on google, I justs search for 30 minutes and
    I can’t find it.

  11. Zoonyboyz says:

    Where do i download HDRshop free? the only link i see is purchase.

  12. ADepressedwhale says:

    You guys are awesome

  13. CCMegaproductions says:

    Thank you Sam!

  14. Mazeyar Moeini says:

    why didnt you just use photomerge to stich the photos together


    awesome tutorial …

  16. SoKrispyMedia2 (samwickert) says:

    I have used them in the past as well, this just allows for a panorama which
    is an HDRI, not just a jpeg image.

  17. CCMegaproductions says:

    Hey Sam what program do you use for editing? Like just cutting clips?
    Premiere, Vegas?

  18. Joe Will says:

    All very smart, totally beyond me but interesting none the less.

  19. Kyle Simmons says:

    You have the voice of a God.

  20. Jonathan Hinterberger says:

    You got some cool techniques, Sam! For a matter of convenience, I think it
    might be just as effective to shoot in RAW. And maybe, you could just shoot
    it all on a tripod and stitch it. (although I did notice you said it
    doesn’t always do the best job.) 😀 -Jonathan

  21. surferadi96 says:

    Thank you so much for this tutorial! I have some questions, whats the
    difference between using a 360 panoramic JPEG and a 360 panoramic HDRI
    image for reflections !? and can the same HDRI be use for IBL !?

  22. onjoFilms says:

    Nice job, thanks for that.

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