After Effects Tutorial – Corner pinning with Mocha for CS5

How to use the Mocha 3D tracking tool with After Effects to corner pin a video onto an iPod, mobile phone, TV or computer monitor. Mocha comes with CS4 and C…
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Video tutorial posted 12/07/14
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Hehe “Back on track…” Unintentionally punny.
It’s really well understandingable(yup, that’s one of my favorite words),
but i have a problem:
whenever I try to paste the Tracking Data to my composition, it resizes it,
but puts it away about 200 pixels left andabout 150 up.
Maybe you know where the problem is.
Brilliant tutorial, Easy to understand, well explained. thank you.
hey what if i wanted to round the corners of my screen? how do i do that
because the thing u showed is a square. a reply would be much appreciated
good tut. but out come is not very precise as you can see screen drifts off
and looks skewed at the end of the footage. Tracking is not good enough.
need to adjust manually…
One of the best tuts in ages – great job!
I don’t have any of the control buttons to the right of your screen. So I
can’t find surface view. Any suggestions? Im running Mocha AE CC
nice workkkkkkkkkk
If you’re using CS6, Mocha doesn’t come separatly from After Effects. Just
be sure you’ve selected your video in your composition, then go to the
Animation menu, and you should find something like “Tracking in Mocha AE”
(I’m using the French version, so it’s a very loose translation).
@shortformvideos You know, after re-reading what I wrote, I realize it
sounded slightly dickish. Sorry about that, was just trying to help you
thank you for this great tutorial
How do you apply the corner pin values it wont work
Another ‘nearly’ tutorial. ‘Allright we’re back in After Effects’ LOL –
really? Anyone know where I can find a decent step by step tutorial where
the guy doesn’t conveniently skip vital steps just because he’s done them a
hundred times?
@shortformvideos tried converting again to AVI & MOV, i’m still not having
any luck. the film clip i’m using is a from a black and white 1960’s movie
, just wondering if mocha can’t handle black and white footage? sorry if
it’s a silly question but i’m lost and have no idea what else to try.
thanks for your help so far, much appreciated.
@TOCORO100 While SwissDHD needs to learn a few manners, he’s right on one
point. PFHoe is for moving images, not still pictures. PFHoe is designed to
work with video files, but you may need to convert them to an uncompressed
MOV or AVI first.
i cant find the surface button. Help me please?!
that surface button isn’t in cs6 mocha :S
tanks u!
Hey guys. I have a question about Mocha for After Effect. The thing is I
want to mask a shot using mocha. But the shot is really shaky so in AE, I
stablized the shot then doing some frame cutting to have the right timing
for an action shot. Now everything has been done. The next step is to mask
the character in the shot. So I wonder how can I use mocha to mask the
final comp instead of the original shot?
@shortformvideos Thanks… 😀
Hey man I cant import the clip on mocha (any format) it say “Failed To Add
File” do you knoe what im doing wrong?? Please help
my mocha is really slow, help pleeese!
@AFTERLlFE No idea. Try converting your source file to an uncompressed,
square-pixel AVI or MOV before importing it. Mocha is very picky about
video codecs.
@TheChinization You could, but it wouldn’t look as clean. Plus the reason
for the video is to teach you how to use Mocha, not put videos onto ipods.
I see where you are coming from though, you have a point XD