Concept Art – Photoshop Tutorial (PSD Box)

Create a simple concept artwork in Photoshop. Learn how to create a night scene using the gradient tool. More info here:…
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Video tutorial posted 04/07/14
Category: Photoshop Tutorials

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thank you man .. very nice :)
Assume this process is still the same for CS6 Photoshop? I think there is
also an error for getting the desert scene I kept trying an it kept telling
an error at the site. What new tutorials you have for CS6 Extended that is
the software I use.
Thanks mate, just made myself a new background image :)
plees help me every time I open the desert picture He opens the photo in
another file and in a different format and if I copy him in the right file
is he much too small .and he is also not surrounds with a dots line like
yours so I can not move or resize, it
you’re the best ♥
ok 😉
Lovely concept, but I cant help feeling that the shadow is going the wrong
well i download the same images as you, but when i shrink the earth to fit
in the picture, it becomes very pixelated? nice tutorials by the way!
Thank you for this perfect lesson 🙂
can you send me this wallpapers to
Best photoshop teacher in the world hands down!!! Thanks again Andrei you
and your vids are a big help to me 😀
I can’t find large photo of that sandy desert please help me.
Foarte tare miai dat niste idei destul de bune, pana acuma am reusit sa fac
ceva, din pacate doar cu mousul deoarece nu am tableta grafica… 🙁 daca
vrei si eventual sa-mi dai niste sfaturi
Hi, great tutorial … I did some wicked manipulations by following this
vid , although I have Elements 10 a few things were different but I worked
it out .. thanks again !!
wwooowww!! me encanto este tutorial facil y kon un gran resultadoo !!! tank
IS THERE ANY WAY To get this photo at max clarity and resolution to look
the most hd and clean it can for something? Would I have to purchase or is
there somewhere I can download it?
What size would you use for your artwork when you first start?
the maximum that the stock images allow me.
Great tutorial. I have one question though. When you make artwork like
this, do you get all the leagal rights for commercial use to the finished
picture if you for example found the starting photos online, or do you have
to own the original photos to get the leagal rights to the finished
artwork? Are those starting pictures in this tutorial yours, or did you
find them online?
2 thumbs up is not enough for your tuts. 🙂 the best bro! keep it up..
great work mate, thanks for sharing you knowledge
great tutorial, I could almost feel the loneliness of that poor man…
this one i like the most from all the photo manipulations that you have,
actually! very well done to you!