Lightroom 3 Tutorial – Editing a RAW file Wow are you in for a treat. The video below will take you on a journey form start to finish of fully tweaking a RAW file from a D3X…
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Video tutorial posted 15/07/14
Category: Lightroom Tutorials

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dry humour is great
Do you use a drawing pad thing? I just purchased an intuos wacom small
tablet and it has already made my editing like 7000234785203497850298 times
faster and more accurate. I wouldn’t mind seeing a video on one of them
you have the most monotone voice ever
@paiverde download the update from adobe, i had to do the same
Hy can anyone tell me why I cant open a RAW file with LR ? the pic was
taken with my nikon D3100 .. and it sayes it doesnt recognise the file and
cant open it .. TY
Try updating your picture codecs.
@nerdsneedmoney (semi)proffesional photo cameras
@asa31191 he sounds like rogen periodically throughout the tutorial
i tried Adobe Lightroom…but then i found Raw Therapee and Gimp 😀
Great vid, very helpful! Thanks 🙂
Awesome video, so helpful. I just purchased lightroom, and this was a great
intro video to get me going! Keep up the good work!!
the first image was very shity if it was a 11,000 dolar cam (aprox..)
awesome video
Great video! That helped me out a lot thanks!
I wanna make it out to Vegas!
14-24 f2.8?
nice but were can i get a free lightroom software???? i need one.!
what is the main difference pf ps and lightroom … ??
@Venomous404 Yea, Photoshop does it better but the nice thing about
Lightroom is that it sets the most commonly used photographer tools into an
easy to use high workflow interface 🙂
@amulet17 You can import RAW files to LR. If you have one of the newer
cameras you may need to download the Adobe camera raw update in order for
LR to open the RAW files.
Great job …since I have the program it’s fun for me to creat special
pictures !!!
so is this about editing or the type of camera used ?