3ds Max Modelling a Complete Apartment Part 1

LESSON FILE: http://bunnyboxx3d.weebly.com/lesson-files.html This is a step by step 3D Modelling Tutorial to show various techniques and uses of tools on how…
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Video tutorial posted 05/08/14
Category: 3DS Max Tutorials

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How it is done when after deleteing the polygon between 2 polygons the
polygons on that 2 polygons in front of each other are still there?
ur nose is irritating
why is ur box having those L shaped edges at first ??
Whats the Cap that you were choosing on the border edge ??
Lots of useful insights here. Thanks.
3dsMax – How to build a 3D Modelling Jig
i feeling sick to watch this video haha..
Hi I’d like to know what were you saying at the time of extruding the
object? dot colon or something…
the turorial is good but your nose is somehow annoying. ^_^
6 minutes in and nothing at all has actually happened. I’m jumping ship.
I want the video files is mp4.I view not in window player
thanks for the tutorial
thank u so much for this tuts. I’ve been looking for this type of tutorial
for ages. plus when u actually found this kind of tutorial it actually cost
a lot. u got my sub =)
i want to again start work in 3d max
worse tutorial ever
i m also working in 3d max at home
lucky you didn’t sneeze. pity you – sharing good tutorials with runny
nose…. hey be nice with this guy… 😉
Bunnyboxx. Which one is this lesson’s file?
Dude you have camtasia, EDIT THE VIDEO!.
First your nose, then those parts where you get all confused. It’s common
@aliff shun Sorry for your trouble. All others who are following along was
able to use the file. Do you want me to send it to your e mail address?