3ds Max Tutorial Modeling An Audi R8 Spyder Part 3

3ds max polygon car modelling tutorial. Blueprint url http://www.smcars.net/forums/audi/31731-audi-r8-spyder-2010-a.html.
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Video tutorial posted 28/08/14
Category: 3DS Max Tutorials

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i have some weird result in viewport with textures they looks very low
resolution even with very high level textures, any tips to fix it? was
checking everyting but didnt found whers the problem…
whats he gunna say? “do what i am doing” “now do what i am doing now”
dumbass 😀
Select, extrude, reposition, repeat. Happy?
since there are tutorials with commentary…well there are tutorials
without commentary as easy as simple.
great work
Y U NO use ame-dark skin?
why do a tutorial without talking ?…….
go to Customize>Prereferences.. select Viewports Tab in Display drivers
first click choose driver button then select Direct X 9.0 and the rest just
leave and clcik ok.. then second is click the configure driver button. In
Background Texture size select 512, in Download Texture size select 256….
and check Match Bitmap size as closely as possible.. and that’s it! hope it
helps 🙂