3ds max tutorial Realistic curtain

To watch the full complete video with HD quality please visit: http://www.dubai3dmax.com/
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Video tutorial posted 19/08/14
Category: 3DS Max Tutorials

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I’m thinking of studying 3D graphics and will end up using this and another
program I can’t quite remember the name of; before I apply, I need to know
wether or not you have to be skilled at drawing to do the program justice?
Thanks for any replies!
can you explain the command you pressed?
Osome!!!!!! I DID IT!!!
no sound and so low res – why? btw great stuff
this video available at dubai3dmax .c om with HD you can see all commands ,
it’s bad quality!!
Bunu gosterirsen cekib day basdan axira kimi gosterde. yarimciq kime
lazimdi ki.
oh guy! I need login 🙁 Well, I already knew this, I was thinking about
learning other techniques, anyway thanks.
нужна озвучка! Может кто нибудь займется?
hi . i need some techniques how to use and when THE HDRI. REFLECTION AND
thank you smicha7, you can watch it HD check the video description you will
find site, go through tutorials page . and got it …
pity there is no sound 🙁
no sound, disappointing, :/
Very good tutorial but, please, can you put in in HD quality?
u are one real intellagent pro
if you have this Talent to draw good it can help you of course , but even
without you can start with this …