Adobe Illustrator Tutorial – Angry Birds

Adobe Illustrator Tutorial - Angry Birds

This is a Curtis Stage video tutorial on using Illustrator to create an Angry Bird vector graphic.
Video Tutorial Rating: 4 / 5

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7 responses to “Adobe Illustrator Tutorial – Angry Birds”

  1. curtis stage says:

    Here is one of my new tutorials in Adobe Illustrator – Learn to draw an
    Angry Bird!

  2. Sandy HTF Squirell says:

    umm, what is “option” key in windows..?

  3. Ahmed Rhouma says:

    thanks for this video, but can you please give me a link where i can
    download this the adob illustrator thanks.

  4. Tutorial Bone Yard says:

    Lol, just like my own angry bird illustrator tutorial. 

  5. Nathan Vu says:

    That was awesome. You spoke clearly the the tutorial was very detailed.
    Nothing beat is one so far. You’re a great teacher. :)

  6. Giz Gunnar says:

    nice mac dickhead

  7. Iqba Usmani says:

    Rip angry bird

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