Beginners Photoshop Tutorial:Basic Shading and Highlights

Beginners Photoshop Tutorial:Basic Shading and Highlights

an overview on adding depth to any project. Hope you guys like this. Next video will be a gameplay.
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23 responses to “Beginners Photoshop Tutorial:Basic Shading and Highlights”

  1. cutie j says:

    I would appreciate when doing a video for beginners…if you could put the
    shortcuts you make with the keyboard other than that good job 

  2. Michel Haak says:
  3. razrv3lc says:

    Was the logo from the program It looks a LOT like that red circle!

  4. Jez Williams says:

    Great tutorial – thanks

  5. powermetal963 says:

    thanks dude! definitely learned some new stuff

  6. petokato says:

    really nice tut

  7. AnarQySniping says:

    nice tutorial Nick! 🙂

  8. Bt2BreakSkn says:

    I remember when PBE first started, was supposed to be all about paintball,
    and now we’re at photoshop tutorials. lol not a bad thing though! Still
    love you guys 😀

  9. Dana Stalker says:

    Thank you for this! I was really wondering how people do those nice shading
    in their speedpaints and wondering why my drawings on my tablet looked like
    a two year olds coloring when I used the same methods I do for shading

  10. 0-truth says:

    so my cs2 wont let me use like any of these tools. am i holding it upside
    down or something? lol

  11. Vikrant Samuel says:

    thanks alot dude. that really helped

  12. PBExperts says:

    @pbexpert what color are you using as the base?

  13. pbexpert says:

    yo man plzzzzz help i tried to recreate this again as a refresher but when
    i fill the circle marque with a colour when i go to burn the edge with the
    burn tool, nothing happens, ive tried different layers. i did everything
    you did in your video up until your first swipe with the burn tool cuz i
    cant do that, any idea on whats wrong? help is MUCH appreciated!

  14. PBExperts says:

    @pbexpert with the burn tool selected, there is a dropdown menu labeled
    “Range”. Try changing between Shadows and Midtones

  15. potter5239 says:

    Thank you very much sir :))

  16. PBExperts says:

    @Bt2BreakSkn 😀 i had some paintball vids to upload, but the cam kept
    drooping down and filming the floor >.<

  17. RevafallDCUO says:

    Holy shit the ball is growing!

  18. Bt2BreakSkn says:

    @PBExperts dawww D:

  19. pbexpert says:

    @PBExperts where is the drop down menu?

  20. Stray Dog Moto says:

    dumb question, but how the hell did you fill it with colour?????? I had to
    use the shape tool to get it to colour.

  21. pbexpert says:

    @PBExperts red

  22. pbexpert says:

    @PBExperts wait nevermind, thank you so much man

  23. Camilo Getzamá says:

    Need to know in 1:39 how he apply the color 🙁

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