How to create a beautiful image slider slideshow from scratch in Dreamweaver CS6

How to create a beautiful image slider slideshow from scratch in Dreamweaver CS6

In This Tutorial, I’m going to show you how to create a beautiful Image Sli…
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20 responses to “How to create a beautiful image slider slideshow from scratch in Dreamweaver CS6”

  1. S A Bokhari says:

    Happy New Year 2014 to ALL with LOVE.

  2. S A Bokhari says:

    Image Slider related issues, you can contact me through email if you want.
    Check the bottom of the Description of this Grate Video Tutorial. Please
    take part in sharing knowledge with the World. Thank You & Enjoy Your
    Moments. BO

  3. Alvin and chipmunks says:

    Bro can u help me this code doesnt work for my website i dont know why i am amateur in HTML
    please help me…

  4. Mz Barcelona says:

    Can you make my slider, i tried millions of time it not working 🙁 need it
    for a school assignment

  5. Richi Rich says:

    Hi Shah,

    Just wanted to ask a question: quite often, the slider distorts the 2nd
    image, even if all the images have the same resolution. Do you have any
    idea how to fix this maybe? Thanks !

  6. Hussain Khalil says:

    Thank you; Mine worked perfectly. I never knew about the cycle JQuery
    plugin, but its awesome!

  7. Shiroo says:

    Thank you very much!!! I have now been using this slider on my website for
    1 year almost 🙂 😀

  8. Jose Echevarria says:

    thanks a lot this is the first one i see online that actually work, very
    simple and easy to get it.

  9. ali mottabi says:

    Amazing tutorial keep it up 

  10. Michael Boterf says:

    slow down with your speech. I would love to follow along, but I find myself
    rewinding because you speak so softly and quickly. Also, it would help
    people such as myself with little or no experience to (this is how I would
    slow down) (although it sounds like it would make people dislike your
    videos I think otherwise) explain exactly what you’re doing so I could
    follow along in Dreamweaver. Thanks

  11. Chris Burrows says:

    it will not work. 🙁 cant you do it for me? if you can will be much
    appriciated :)

  12. Hevynly1 says:

    Great tutorial! Thank you! 

  13. Kaitlin Liemandt says:

    Great tutorial thank you! Just wondering, can I put this in the webpage I
    am making or do I have to start again within the page?

  14. Dave McGregor says:

    Hi Bokhari, I’m using DW5.5 and followed your tutorial step by step.
    However instead of using a ‘wrapper’ and ‘container’ div I created a new
    div within an existing page and then followed your tutorial closely.
    Problem is I can’t get the images to move. Is this info still current? I
    notice the jquery file I downloaded has a different version number than the
    one you used. Should this matter?
    What have I done wrong? Perhaps you can take a look here:

  15. 125 Films says:

    Thanks this really, really helped

  16. Bart H says:

    What do you mean you downloaded those files from jQuery? When I click on
    them they are a link to a bunch of code. Do I need to copy and paste them
    into a certain type of file?

  17. MCcreed DE says:

    thank you so much :)

  18. piXelP0w3r says:

    works just perfect in dreamweaver and browser prewiev, but it doesn’t work
    once I upload it to my website? Does anyone know the solution for this?

  19. Jordan Kizwani says:

    Hey Thanks so much! This is my first website. This slide show is excellent,
    it works during my Dreamweaver live but it doesn’t work when it actually
    goes up online. One last note, I’m using it as a fluid grid file, is that
    the reason why its not functioning nor adjusting to smaller devices? Thanks

  20. Ruby Tran says:

    i think i meet some problem with it. Can u help me? my skype is
    “thanhngoc_ttn”. plz reply quickly bez i must finish my assignment soon.
    thank u alot

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