Visual Studio 2008: C# Tutorial: Windows Form Controls Tutorial Part 1/4 –

Visual Studio 2008: C# Tutorial: Windows Form Controls Tutorial Part 1/4 -

In this tutorial you will learn how to use most of the windows forms controls such as text boxes, combo boxes, buttons, lists etc.. Created by Davide Vitelar…
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15 responses to “Visual Studio 2008: C# Tutorial: Windows Form Controls Tutorial Part 1/4 –”

  1. luat Nguyen says:

    no sound :((

  2. Muhamad Yusuf Ramdhan says:

    to much speak

  3. bharath reddy says:

    Nice video about explaining the text box controls

  4. Obed Marquez Parlapiano says:

    Dont u have some tuts like this for c++ ? 😀

  5. frequencydrive says:

    Oh ya this is a terrible way to do a tutorial. If you aren’t going to talk
    while instructing then don’t make one. Wait till you get a microphone or
    wait till you learn how to mix audio in your video editing software. I
    can’t watch videos like this. There are so many videos such as this why
    watch this one? You can easily find one WITH sound.

  6. ROBDAN99 says:

    I think that C++ is much easier for me. But very helpful. Thanks

  7. killertudse epicgaming says:

    omg… Please put the codes in description 2/5

  8. dhuhahussam says:

    Cant you talk while you do the tut please 🙁 …its much easier…

  9. ManOnSofa says:

    @Art3m1sX Found it, go on @monsterhunter445 ‘s youtube (its got some good

  10. srinivasan v says:

    I try this its help full to C# beginners.

  11. Iamshital says:

    Nice man..

  12. Karan Singh says:

    Ok, i will name it “How ever you want.”

  13. Zellomesh says:

    great tut, thanks a lot also codecall is my fav programming forum now!

  14. samin teresh says:

    perfect time for me, solved my problem, thanks

  15. kalhied says:

    @aleafonthewind117 U mad? cuz c rocks c# out of the water

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