WordPress Facebook Plugin Tutorial

WordPress Facebook Plugin Tutorial

In this video tutorial I go through the entire installation of the Official Facebook Plugin 3.5.1 for WordPress. I didn’t find other tutorials helpful or els…

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9 responses to “WordPress Facebook Plugin Tutorial”

  1. Holly Mattson says:

    Does every third word have to be fuck or bullshit? It makes you sound like
    a cunt

  2. Lisa Temes says:

    I keep getting stuck at the ‘Add a Facebook account to your WordPress
    account’ step. When I click ‘Associate my WordPress account with my
    Facebook account and allow new posts to my Facebook Timeline’, I get an
    error saying: ‘The following permissions have not been approved for use:
    publish_actions.’ and if I click the first option it just keeps reseting. I
    can’t seem to find anything on Google and I even tried submitting an
    approval request to Facebook but they told me it isn’t needed. Any ideas?

  3. Rufus Bruce-Chwatt says:

    Thank the gods you’re here, would have made no sense but cheers for sorting
    this out!! I’ve submitted so fingers crossed!

  4. Rebecca Amy says:

    At 20:15 you say click on profile and then click the second link, when it
    goes to profile page for you to click the link, but for me those links are
    not there. Have I missed a step somewhere?

  5. Kannan Sreenivas says:

    Hats Off to you

  6. George Dean says:

    the process is completely asinine. i wanted to break my screen. thank you
    for this.

  7. Carlo Cavaliere says:

    What’s wrong with the voice? O_o

  8. unitron says:

    This is helpful. The plugin has changed since but this made the struggle
    way easier!

  9. Mo Ateyah says:

    Hey again,

    when i post an article in arabic text, the text gets displayed in my
    facebook page like Ùا ÙÙا ÙÙÙس ÙجÙع اÙصÙت اÙعرب٠عاÙÙÙا.

    Do you have any idea why it might be coming out this way?

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