Adobe Photoshop CC – Remove/Change Background – Quick Selection Tool – Beginners Tutorial

Adobe Photoshop CC - Remove/Change Background - Quick Selection Tool - Beginners Tutorial

Adobe Photoshop CC – Remove/Change Background – Quick Selection Tool – Beginners Tutorial VIDEO HAS BEEN UPDATED USING LAYER MASK:…
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24 responses to “Adobe Photoshop CC – Remove/Change Background – Quick Selection Tool – Beginners Tutorial”

  1. BlueRootsMM says:

    I design them myself. I’m working on a couple of videos do similar ones in

  2. kostas charalis says: seem to know how to use the photoshop,so i need something.for you
    it would be about 5 minutes of your time,for me some my e-mail
    is if you could help me erase just a thing.thank you

  3. Daily Light says:

    Wait, You didn’t tell us how to click finish and save the file LOL I’m
    having problem with finishing it…cause i don’t know what to click to
    finish editing…When i click save…it’s still into photoshop format image

  4. corinus88 says:

    i like the girl !! LOL

  5. BlueRootsMM says:

    Actually, no you can save this file as a psd and then select what format
    for there. Photoshop will automatically flatten it for you.

  6. patrick mcfadden says:

    well, everyone should know this without having to look at a tutorial…

  7. BlueRootsMM says:

    You need to change the layer setting. If it has a lock symbol next to it
    your layer you might need to duplicate that image and delete the original
    or click on the lock and unlock it. I’ll work on a layers video soon.

  8. Rigon Sierra says:

    You probably didn’t have the image “selsected” in your layers panel.
    Whenever you select anything make sure you’re layer is selected before you
    try to make any changes to it. Hope that helps.

  9. kmbisson12 says:

    I’ve always wondered how to do this!! Thanks alot!

  10. Pivot Ace says:


  11. winnonah cruda says:


  12. BlueRootsMM says:

    Yes, and no… check out the follow up video.

  13. BlueRootsMM says:

    The main subject needs to be the top layer.

  14. WazzVesuvius says:

    Finally, thanx man, ur d best

  15. Nicole Kindig says:

    I have my image and background and I layered them, but how do I put my
    picture in my background?

  16. BlueRootsMM says:

    Theres three issue that come to mind with what you’re experiencing: 1)You
    might need to check your resolution. You should work with a resolution of
    300dpi. Go to Image > image size to check this. 2) When you’re saving in a
    jpg make sure to save it medium quality or above. 3) You need to be working
    with pictures of 300 or more (depending on the project.) If not when you
    expand the image everything will be distorted and blurred. You can show me
    the file on fb. THe links in the description

  17. BlueRootsMM says:


  18. Jassan Colico says:

    Thankyou !! Damn ps =]

  19. Vending Junkie says:

    Great video. Thank you. thank you thank you. Keep it up. I totally subed
    and cant wait to see what other PSE tutorials you come out with.

  20. BlueRootsMM says:

    What do you mean a “hats” or “snapback”?

  21. RatedB4Bacon says:

    What if the quick select tool is affecting all layers

  22. Harith H34 says:

    where you get the backgrounds.

  23. Black Heart says:

    Thank you michael jackson 🙂

  24. BlueRootsMM says:

    Hey… What do you mean? Did you duplicate the original background? Your
    first layer must be duplicate and the original deleted. Then add the new
    background and move the duplicated layer above the new background. Make

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