After Effects Tutorial – De-rezzing your video, part 2

After Effects Tutorial - De-rezzing your video, part 2

This tutorial covers some of the basics in creating a classic ‘low-res’ video monitor including scan lines, static and vignetting. The theme will continue in…
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18 responses to “After Effects Tutorial – De-rezzing your video, part 2”

  1. XtremeNeed says:

    Good voice, makes it easy to follow your instructions thank you!

  2. Wish81Master says:

    Can you make a quick video on how to make the first second static you got
    in your video and where you got the sound from?

  3. short-form video says:

    Sorry – no beginner stuff at the moment. But I’m thinking about it. Not
    much time on my hands these days, so I can’t promise anything.

  4. short-form video says:

    @TheStrayCross It’s just a shape layer with some keyframes and a wiggle
    expression. I’ll try and do a short video on how to create your own in the
    next day or so.

  5. ahmad saad says:

    Very Nice,ty

  6. amen901 says:

    can’t wait!!!!!!!!!!

  7. VoguishArts says:

    Get Magic Bullet Misfire for even more effects to add to this.

  8. OhJavaid says:

    This is one of the best tutorials ever made…! Concise and you get
    straight to the point! Thank you v.much!

  9. FilmProductionWrkShp says:

    where did you get the sound from?

  10. Clyde Azurelight says:

    This looks like where ChimneySwift11 learned how to do one of the effects.

  11. short-form video says:

    There are many effects you can experiment with here. You could use Grid
    instead of Venetian blinds if you want the scan lines to be coloured (or
    drop a red solid behind the venetian blind layer). As far as the noise
    values are concerned, yes, more noise will look more like an old TV.

  12. DuncamProductions says:

    You should drag the screen lares so that they dont have grain on them. It
    kind of breaks the illusion.

  13. Aqier Designs says:

    @shortformvideos this works 😀 thank you so much 😀 you are gona earn a sub
    from me 😀 and again a like pn part 3 and 4 😀

  14. TheStrayCross says:

    @shortformvideos Wow the example video is great you have the perfect face
    for a futuristic post apocalyptic message 😀

  15. short-form video says:

    @ribenawrath Thanks for sharing your suggestions. While CA is a feature of
    the lens rather than resolution, I take your point, and if you watch the
    last part of this series, you’ll see I have an example of how to add colour
    separation (which you could use to create a pseudo-CA effect). The problem
    with rendering down and then upscaling is that it creates a soft, blurry
    appearance (AE uses sub-pixel sampling) rather than a low-res feel. You’d
    be better off using the Mosaic effect for this.

  16. short-form video says:

    @forestpump Just play with the levels or curves to push the red channel
    down a bit and you’ll get a similar look. Apply it to an adjustment layer
    if you’re colour correcting multiple layers (beneath the adjustment layer).

  17. Zach Cowan says:

    Enjoyed the Tutorial. Thanks. I would suggest putting the reflection layer
    above the static layer….I think the reflection exists on the glass and
    not on the signal image.

  18. Michael Riecken says:

    I really enjoy your style, Lawrence. How you track the cursor movements and
    zoom in and out to highlight the relevant parts. Thanks for sharing your

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