C# Tutorial 22: Checkbox , radiobutton and groupbox with Database in C#

C# Tutorial 22: Checkbox , radiobutton and groupbox with Database in C#

GroupBox How to auto create radiobutton and groupbox C# C sharp tutorial How to build two radio button groups in Visual C# 2010 I need to build two groups of…
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5 responses to “C# Tutorial 22: Checkbox , radiobutton and groupbox with Database in C#”

  1. Tom B says:

    The enabling of a radio button has NO effect on the status of a check box.
    Therefore your observation at around the 5:00 is irrelevant. You should
    have used other radio buttons outside the group box, to make your point.
    Even if the check boxes were in the same parent as the radio buttons, they
    would have been unaffected by the operation of either radio button.

    I’m also waiting for you to use the term “constructor” in your videos. I’ve
    watched half of the C# videos you have in your playlist, and they are
    generally very good–but it wouldn’t hurt to use the correct terminology so
    that viewers can learn it. C# is an object-oriented programming language
    after all, and any object being created is done so through a
    constructor…and that includes a Form object.

    Overall, I really enjoy your videos–and I don’t mean these comments to be
    an insult to you. However as good as they are, I think that value is
    degraded when you cut corners by glossing over basic details like I’ve
    mentioned above. Thank you very much for your efforts–your videos have
    given me a lot of great ideas.

  2. Yanky Kalifornia says:

    thank for the video

  3. Bayram Hakan Kocatepe says:

    you must make fan stopped 🙂

  4. Yassir Kira says:

    thanks 😉

  5. kevin kastrowiak says:

    thanks fella ! !

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