CSS Tutorial 1 – Introduction

In this video, we talk about what CSS is and how it can be used to style and change the look of HTML websites and webpages! We also talk about the use of a t…
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Video tutorial posted 05/09/14
Category: CSS Tutorials
Tags: Introduction, Tutorial

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Videotutorials.co.uk offers the web's best Photoshop tutorials, Illustrator video guides, CSS and HTML tutorials and much more all in one place. With new videos being added every day, you can learn how to master software and code to give your images and website some great effects.
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I really enjoyed your CSS tutes. I really like the pace.
I’d like to see what you might do with some jquery tutes.
Keep up the great work.
Thank you for watching, subscribing, as well as for taking the time to
leave a comment, BloodhunterzzMusic! I appreciate it! Please feel free to
let me know if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, on this
video or anything else! Thank you again! – Jamie
Unfortunately, I do not know of any “bulk mailer” scripts or programs. What
exactly are you trying to do with it?
Yes i have stil one question and maybe you can help me with it! i have now
over 1 milion emails gatherd from the web and i need a bulk mailer with
cooldowns so it doesnt land in somone else his spam box. do you maybe know
a good free one?
Good evening here.. Good day there Jamie, How are you? done watching your
very helpful new HTML vids.! I’m getting started on CSS now. sorry been
busy on work & school for the past few days. but anyway our teacher taught
us some basic CSS codes and later Javascript examples.. she said it is for
us to do more research and practice. she mention that our project soon is
going to be a E-Commerce website an online transaction processing. So I got
to be prepared. Well that’s my updates as of now. 🙂
Hey, Minstrel Drew! Thank you for taking the time to update me on how you
are progressing with HTML and web development! I’m glad to hear that you’re
doing well in school, too! It sounds like your project can be pretty fun,
designing and developing an E-Commerce website! Thank you again for
watching and taking the time to update me on your progress! As always,
please feel free to send me a message or e-mail if you have any questions,
comments, or suggestions! (Or with more progress updates!)
i first watched part 5 XD but you got a new sub because you are prity
i want to set a pc near me running a mailing program that wil run 24/7
advertising emails. but i want to set it up like that it doesnt land up in
there spam box :