CSS Tutorial 5: AK47

This tutorial goes over the basics of firing the AK47. Please watch my tutorial Moving Aiming and Shooting first, as in this tutorial I assume you understand…
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Video tutorial posted 30/09/14
Category: CSS Tutorials

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the first shot isn’t accurate anymore. CSGO ftw
what sensitivity do you use? and do you use raw input?
I Got 1 Tip…kröhöm… If U Use AK47 Shoot To The Legs Of The Player Or to
Head. 🙂
Hey there !!! Could u make a tutorial for the two shotguns please????
@Icecubebac meaning its the only weapon I usually use. If I’m T side I
purchase it, if I’m CT, I kill someone and take theirs.
Do these still apply I thought they changed the way guns function in cs :/
What is a raw input?
Jer zna neko ovde Srpski mamu vam jebem
I really like ur nick..that sign before nick, can u send it to me please?
@mp2punisher yea, regardless they are both great guns. I wish the g3 was in
CS:GO because it’s one of my favs too. O well…
dude do you use raw input?
do you use mouse acceleration?
@WildWestBudgie ohh ok bec. ingame its only called 7.62
Go to your console or in options
How do you get the dot in the middle of your crosshairs?
@TheWarOwl If i turn it off i’ll have to spend a week getting used
to/changing the new sensitivity; what difference does it make?
0:46 voice crack.
@TheWarOwl thank you!
this tut gave me a boner
And what is the best mouse DPI, You would say ?
i think CS:GO has a G3 i think valve updated it IDK i don’t really have the
game but im thinking getting the game within this month
@jareemon Its a Kalashnikov, trust me. I think CS:S calls it CV for legal
reasons, not sure.