Dreamweaver CS 5 Tutorial- Lightbox Image Gallery using Widget Browser and CSS

Dreamweaver CS 5 Tutorial- Lightbox Image Gallery using Widget Browser and CSS

This Image Gallery Is the result of css combined with the power of Widget Browser I have used some css 4 with the powerful rounded corner using the border-ra…
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15 responses to “Dreamweaver CS 5 Tutorial- Lightbox Image Gallery using Widget Browser and CSS”

  1. maurizio perron says:

    thank you sir……I did it and it works!!!! but….how can i add something
    on the page? i mean…i would like to write something
    and add some links

    Thank you a lot

  2. Mohit Manuja says:

    yes you can disable the save as option using a lengthy Javascript easily
    available off the net . just google Disable right mouse click ‘Save Image
    As’ option

  3. NyxSkai says:

    How do you put it into a site?

  4. Mohit Manuja says:

    just redo the src and the link in the properties panel and save and view
    and lemme know

  5. TheBrovloski says:

    Just one question, I tried the whole day this but idk why it never works.
    It always say when I click on the picture 404file not found. I know this
    isn’t correct and yes I have an index.html in my maps. I tried a lot of
    times this, and even on one of your other vids you had a link where you
    could download a page who already has 3 pictures in it and there should it
    work. Well, it didn’t work too. I hope you can help me cuz my deadline is
    thursday 😉

  6. Mohit Manuja says:

    @Superds111 many times just re-pointing to the thumbs n their respective
    pics will bring to life the dead file , try that too

  7. Mohit Manuja says:

    version cs 6 should not make a difference . You may have missed on some
    step . Did you try all the browsers . Whats wrong exactly . Im sure u use a
    modern browser .

  8. Yi Taylor says:

    Thank you so much Mohit.This is the simplest tutorial i’ve found around the
    web, especially for someone who does not know html coding. Thumb up for the
    great work!

  9. lilalligator says:

    Thank you for the response, Mohit! I’m using google chrome. When I switch
    over to “live” mode or preview this widget in chrome, it doesn’t work.
    Nothing shows up actually. Will try again and see if I’ve missed something.

  10. Wasim Bader says:

    i did all that and gave box shadow and preview in chrome, even better
    result than mozila. so it works. but this whole took many hours as to get
    widget nd adobe would not accept my msn account so i have to open a new
    account and then into widget and then saved some files and then on to
    dreamweaver. phew rather pheeeeewwww. bravo man, u r great.

  11. kmclaridy says:

    Did you figure out this issue? I am experiencing the same issue.

  12. juve16844 says:

    Thanks for your tutorials. I used them to build my website, but i have a
    problem, I¨m trying to insert a spry image slideshow with flimstrip from
    adobe widgets and doesn´t work i dont know why. In dreamweaver works but
    when I launched the website only shows the pics as pics, without any
    gallery frame and function. The error says SpryFadingPanels.js requieres
    SpryPanelset.js. If you can help me will be great. Thanks for your time and
    for being a great help for all us.

  13. Mohit Manuja says:

    well..what u’ve heard is not entirely false..its not out dated but its
    slowly dying..its quite sad..

  14. Ari Gold says:

    Awesome, Mohit! You helped me out a lot! Wonderful tutorial, dude!

  15. Thomasina Ives says:

    This was awesome, keep the tutorials coming, I really enjoy your work and I
    learn so much. Thanks again.

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