Hancock Jump Effect – After Effects Tutorial – Part 1

Hancock Jump Effect - After Effects Tutorial - Part 1

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25 responses to “Hancock Jump Effect – After Effects Tutorial – Part 1”

  1. starshine428 says:

    I have no idea what you’re talking about but that’s okay, I’d rather watch
    the videos!

  2. VfxBros says:

    @venkatrocks ItThey are actually from andrew kramer’s video copilot action
    essentials pack. You actually have to buy it. srry

  3. ivuge says:

    This is so awesome bud, thanks

  4. OxurFake says:

    Very good!!! it helps me a lot thanx XD

  5. fares nato says:

    hey guys thx for the ground_crack img link but plz i need the ground _crack
    vids plz!!!! thx again

  6. MrJamin24 says:

    You can also find one on google images i found a ground crack on google
    images just like his

  7. PandaMonium says:


  8. Darkclaude X says:

    nice 😀 check out my channel:D

  9. DiamondBack1666 says:

    @CoDLover42 your point?

  10. That Guy says:

    @DiamondBack1666 ARE YOU MENTAL!

  11. FuDeFu says:

    Groung_crack_01.jpg download link ?

  12. Uttam Solanki says:

    well have a look at this video 😀 awesome effects used in this 1

  13. LawlProductions says:


  14. anedominguez says:


  15. greendayfanman01 says:


  16. VFXForReal says:

    Wow that is a freaking wannabe name

  17. Russell Rabe says:

    where did u download the elements???

  18. CaedJenkins says:

    I have make my video..pls check out and leave a comment 🙂

  19. OfficialKitzki says:

    thank u :*

  20. Bernard Jann Magarro says:

    where did you getthe ground cracks??

  21. Thanh Tùng Nguyễn says:

    you is vietnam ?

  22. DestructiveTuts says:

    Which program you Use?

  23. Đỉnh Huy Bùi Tô says:


  24. Farouk Chorfa says:

    Cuz of the Crackes i really need them 😉

  25. Đỉnh Huy Bùi Tô says:

    Hi there,I see a lot of comment ask about the ground crack JPG So i upload
    it to mediafire for you guys. go to mediafire and add this line
    /?a8vgw4auit4s3ca behind the mediafire

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