Part 48 C# Tutorial Difference between Types and Type Members

Part 48   C# Tutorial   Difference between Types and Type Members

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8 responses to “Part 48 C# Tutorial Difference between Types and Type Members”

  1. naga raj says:

    Thank you Mr.Venkat..your videos are excellent 

  2. Priyank Parikh says:

    hi venket,
    can u slove my doubt , ? can we inherit a namespace as we inherit class and
    interfaces ? 

  3. Priyank Parikh says:

    u can collaps or expand code by directly Right Click and and select
    outlining ,
    thats Cool 

  4. naina neware says:

    Hi Venkat, As per your video CLASS comes under TYPES category but I saw in
    applications TYPES i.e. CLASSES being used with protected and private
    access modifier…but as per you video classes…can have only internal and
    public access modifier any specific reason for that?????

  5. kudvenkat says:

    Hi, thank you very much for taking time to give feedback. I am really glad
    you liked these videos. To receive email alerts, when new videos are
    uploaded, please subscribe to my youtube channel. May I ask you for a
    favour. I want these tutorials to be helpful for as many people as
    possible. Please share the link with your friends and family who you think
    would also benefit from them. If you like these videos, please click on the
    THUMBS UP button below the video.

  6. kudvenkat says:

    Hi Naina, to my knowledge TYPES, i.e CLASSES can only have INTERNAL and
    PUBLIC access modifiers. But type members (properties, methods etc) can
    have all the other access modifiers. Can you please share the code, where
    you have seen a class that is not public or internal. Thanks.

  7. George Mghebrishvili says:

    thank you

  8. Sriniwaas PPandu says:

    These are golden videos of .Net thank you for posting

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