WordPress Tutorial: Working with Categories

WordPress Tutorial: Working with Categories

http://webspace.incredibletutorials.com Learn what categories are and how they can benefit your WordPress website. Want to stay up to date on the latest tuto…
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7 responses to “WordPress Tutorial: Working with Categories”

  1. WorldwideTrendsetters says:

    Nice Video! Perfect. :)

  2. Michael Pope says:

    I don’t understand why all the dislikes. This has been very helpful. Thanks

  3. jflanagan55 says:

    how do i disable the categories so it isn’t on my side bar?

  4. Raymond Duke says:

    Thank you for explaining. It is a simple concept, but for a first time WP
    user, it can be confusing at first glance.

  5. Tony Rahme says:

    many tks my parent button does not open. must i ad a plug in to get it to

  6. Christee K says:

    Thank you!

  7. Chandra Webb says:

    Thanks. I was confused about adding categories until I saw your video.

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