Basics | After Effects CS5 Tutorial | HD

Basics | After Effects CS5 Tutorial | HD

This is a very boring tutorial covering the basics of After Effects… Don’t worry, I will get into more advanced material VERY SOON! This video was a need j…
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18 responses to “Basics | After Effects CS5 Tutorial | HD”

  1. Anisa Mazaki says:

    This is a poor tutorial that seems to be demonstrated by a typical
    highschool teen…You didn’t even call the tools by their proper names -.-
    and you’re only say “I love you guys” cuz you’re trying to get people to
    like you… How annoying -.-

  2. philestraynge kelvin says:


  3. Jake Thomas says:

    im having trouble with a project

    can you help me

  4. VincenzoL Maphutsi says:

    Evolution of me..

  5. TheTrueClassChannel says:

    Vegas is not better than Final Cut, That’s what people say when they can’t
    afford a mac.

  6. Kashif khalid says:

    thanx i am ur new student :)

  7. Ley Kim says:

    @9:10 you’re welcome my friend! hahah.. thanks for this tutorial!

  8. Shunyao Yu says:

    you r very welcome :)

  9. YABOOKSandKPOP says:

    I miss sony vegas so much 

  10. YABOOKSandKPOP says:

    This is so very helpful. 

  11. Albert F A Matthews says:

    @MadzieCat I second that, I have seen templates for after affects but have
    no idea how to use it…

  12. InsAniTyxEditz says:

    Omg omg omg you guys have exactly 65,000 subs 😛

  13. Madelaine Thomsen says:

    please make more.. I need to learn to use After effects

  14. bazoozoo5 says:

    on mac instead of using control use command

  15. LuaScripter3 says:

    Where the new tut???

  16. Ch-Ch-Check It says:

    You can just press the Delete key to delete something! =)

  17. mindingyou says:

    how do you make it say trim comp to work area

  18. BrownBoy says:

    Welll im subscribing to you cause your awesome

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