C# Tutorial for Beginners 22 – Properties in C#

C# Tutorial for Beginners 22 -  Properties in C#

earches related to properties c# extension properties c# use properties c# writing properties in c# override properties c# private properties c# class proper…
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4 responses to “C# Tutorial for Beginners 22 – Properties in C#”

  1. ProgrammingKnowledge says:
  2. Nurbek Garifulla says:

    Please, can you explain once again. How this code will understand that you
    are setting values to ” _auther” ? In last three methods we’ve used ”
    this ” to identify which values we should set.

  3. ProgrammingKnowledge says:

    C# Tutorial for Beginners 22 – Properties in C# (How to Define Properties
    in C#)

  4. Rehman Mazhar says:

    is this final video for beginners?????

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