HTML5 Canvas Tag Tutorial Learn to Draw and Animate Using Javascript

Script: In this video lesson series you can learn all about how to draw into the HTML5 canvas tag using Javascrip…
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Video tutorial posted 29/10/14
Category: HTML Tutorials

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Adam Khoury thanks for sharing your knowledge!
Please teach us how to program drag and drop, as you show 5:30
U r best in the world teacher
Muchas Gracias por tus videos
This is well thought out and well presented – thank you. Thumbs up from
you sound like oscar from the office
Thank you a lot. This clear and direct
I like how you simply explained the purpose of ‘document.getElementById’.
However, you skipped right over ‘canvas.getContext’ and now i’m left in the
dark about what it does and why.
why plan? explan, please!
i’ve seen that people put some buttons with some kind of transparency of
something on their videos here on youtube… would be great if you add some
kind of button on the video, to jump to the next video of the series, cause
I can not figure out how to go to the next one :S
Your problem is on line 9. You call getElementByID, but the capitalization
is incorrect. It needs to be “Id” not “ID” Replace the line with: var
canvas = document.getElementById(“canvas1”); And always check your error
This is awesome. (before watching this) I thought about making functions
that echo out (using php instead of js) divs with colored background, but
yeah, this is way better 😀
great lead in to this topic. anyone really doing anything with this
underneath the function definition… within the script tags that youtube
is refusing to allow me to post.. …. function draw(){ //stuff }// after
this draw(); // put this here, this should work.. …..
hi, i write exact your code but its show me black box in firefox and green
on chrome what’s going wrong… here is the code… // Assign our canvas
element to variable var canvas = document.getElementById(“canvas”); //
Create the HTML5 context object to enable draw methods var ctx =
canvas.getContext(“2d”); // fillStyle(r,g,b,alpha); ctx.fillStyle =
“rgba(0,200,0,1);” // fillRect(X,Y,width,height); ctx.fillRect(36,10,22,22);
Five Stars. Great voice. Great selection lesson. Minimal talking. Maximum
teaching Thanks you.
Looking forward for this series!
I like your voice!