iMovie 10.0.5 Update

iMovie 10.0.5 Update

What’s New in Version 10.0.5: -Includes iCloud compatibility improvements for iMovie Theater. Did you enjoy this video? Thank You! Subscribe, IT’S FREE 😉 – …
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10 responses to “iMovie 10.0.5 Update”

  1. CopperGardenx says:

    How do you export??? It isn’t working for me as a .mov!! x

  2. Silvia RA says:

    I can’t press the turtle option and the speed options are also grey. Any
    idea? That version is worse than the previous one… AWFUL

  3. Line carignan says:

    under adjust tab button there is a turtel for slow movement but mine is
    grey. I’m doing a video with pictures would that be the problem. in the old
    vrsion did not have that problem

  4. Jayvee Pichay says:

    Does anyone know where Advanced tools went? I cant see to find it.

  5. Heather Burnette says:

    PLEASE do a new tutorial on speeding up and slowing down with this new
    update…I’ve been sitting here for 2 hours now trying to figure out how to
    do this! 

  6. Brielle jacobs says:

    The white balance settings got worse 🙁 I can’t even change it, it only
    lets me use an eye dropper-which is always way off. it stinks!

  7. Erica Roberts says:

    how do i show an iMovie i created using apple tv?

  8. cille poulsen says:

    how do i make voice over ? +NOandROfilms – Where Anything Is Possible please

  9. KrellLab says:

    This iMovie CANNOT set Chapeters ! Use iMovie 06, iMovie 11, or FCPX.
    But NOT Version 10.

  10. Alicia Blake says:

    i tried doing picture in picture and idk how

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