Lightroom 2 Tutorial – Adjustment Brush

Lightroom 2 Tutorial - Adjustment Brush

Lightroom 2 Tutorial – Adjustment Brush by Yanik Chauvin.
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23 responses to “Lightroom 2 Tutorial – Adjustment Brush”

  1. Chico Edge says:

    My copy of LR2 just came in today. Thanks for the tutorial.

  2. emily12091 says:

    Am I missing something here? When I got to “brush” over my picture, nothing
    happens! That button appears on my picture where I’ve first clicked it, but
    I can’t figure out how to actually get negative exposure or any of the
    other options! Is there a key that you need to hold as you “brush”?

  3. Coolumbo says:

    Fantastic, I admire and appreciate your teaching style. Thank you for
    making photography all the more rewarding.

  4. smartti1970 says:

    Thanks so much for you tutorial, just great to have a course on

  5. Paul Kenneth Soliman says:

    thanks! enjoyed this video.

  6. jimbob150555 says:

    I love Lightroom 2, but I am using the demo of it – cant afford even 300
    pounds 🙂

  7. moshakesxxx says:


  8. twixiechick says:

    I’ve had Lightroom for almost two years now and I’ve never used the
    adjustment brush. I never knew it existed. lol *face palm*

  9. Emre Kişi says:

    thank u very much for this beatiful tutorial…appreciate it….

  10. Zinglex says:

    Thank you very very much.

  11. ma1260 says:

    Thank you for taking the time to post this excellent tutorial.

  12. Larsschmidt14 says:


  13. Jorge Gallardo says:

    Great stuff… thanks

  14. vinupa says:

    Thank you so much.. I loved this video.. – Cheers from India

  15. therealchickentender says:

    Man… that did it. THANK YOU! Don’t need PS anymore at ALL. I love LR more
    each day. I’d not even bothered to look at this yet.

  16. Mike Williams says:

    thanks for the tutorial..good job’

  17. Pierre Sterligov says:

    Thank you from Marseille, France ; )

  18. kelino8thave says:

    your the man!

  19. Benson87 says:

    very well explained but bad recording sound 🙂

  20. innysik2008 says:


  21. liewilyn21 says:

    very nice tutorials… tnx much

  22. Gareth Jones says:

    Many thanks. Very useful

  23. nesbie says:

    Nice tutorial and like always, another ‘professional’ below this comment..
    Youtube should delete these internet gangsters!

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