Microsoft Excel 2010 Tutorial – Part 01 of 12 – Excel Interface 1

Microsoft Excel 2010 Tutorial - Part 01 of 12 - Excel Interface 1

MORE AT – This course is for the novice user who has little or no experience with Microsoft Excel. We will begin by learning about t…
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7 responses to “Microsoft Excel 2010 Tutorial – Part 01 of 12 – Excel Interface 1”

  1. jade roberts says:

    it keeps massing up on your screen for some reason how can i watch it with
    out thaat happening 

  2. Arselia Stocks says:

    These lessons are presented clear and simple which makes learning software
    material more comfortable for me then other videos I have observed.

  3. mrquocnguyen90 says:

    Thanks teacher, I can both study english and computer.

  4. Marion Gariepy says:

    Excel Lesson 1

  5. Arron Umberger says:

    Thank you for these videos. I’m a student who is trying to decide what
    software class to take next semester. Thankfully, I found you and now I
    won’t make the mistake of taking Access before Excel.

  6. Justfer Batoon says:

    nice one!

  7. koolaid mcvicar says:


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