Premiere Pro to After Effects – Editing Tutorial #3

Premiere Pro to After Effects - Editing Tutorial #3

EDIT – Sorry about the screen capture, It must have glitched out. In this tutorial you will learn two different methods on how you can transfer your footage…
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19 responses to “Premiere Pro to After Effects – Editing Tutorial #3”

  1. Lennart Witstokk says:

    thank you

  2. Archie Crofton says:

    Great stuff! very concise and exactly what I was looking for! Thanks

  3. mindofxminus says:

    This answered SOOOO many questions that I had. Thank you for creating this
    simple but precise and to the point tutorial! I loved loved loved it. Found
    it very helpful!!!

  4. Adi Ringma says:

    super helpful. Thank you

  5. arjun chandele says:

    nice..whats the music in the background :)

  6. Taylor Vancoillie says:

    When i imported, My AE comp would not go onto my premiere timeline. It
    would play in the source monitor but wouldnt go onto the timline

  7. Hunter Snow says:

    it has adobe dynamic link greyed out why can’t i click on it??

  8. Sebastian Guerrero Murcia says:

    Excellent tips, thanks a lot. After doing this, if i make a change on
    Premiere, it gets updated in After Effects?

  9. Kyle Riego de Dios says:

    Happy new years! Thanks for all the helpful tuts. Some concerns though. I
    did color correction in PP CS6, rendered my project, and then followed your
    steps of “importing Premiere Project” into AE. The color correction I did
    in PP does not show up in AE composition. I’m trying to only color grade
    with Magic Bullet Looks in AE.

    Am I doing something wrong here? Help please!

  10. UglyMcGregor says:

    Haha get to bed brother!

  11. UglyMcGregor says:

    Can you send me a print screen of your composition?

  12. tomdavisonfilms says:

    My Adobe Dynamic Link is greyed out on both AE and Premiere so that I can’t
    access it. :'( I’m using AE CS4 and PP CS5.

  13. UglyMcGregor says:

    Hey Matt, I’m not too sure exactly what you mean. But with After Effects,
    all you do is drag the file into the After Effects, and drag that file onto
    the new composition button which automatically sets everything up for you,
    then just drag the rest of the files into your timeline, and you’re done 🙂

  14. UglyMcGregor says:

    No problem!

  15. Matt Timmons says:

    Thanks UglyMcGregor, yours is my favorite post tutorial channel. I’m very
    new to video, I have Premier Pro CS6 and After Effects. I’ve never used
    After Effects because I reckon like Premier Pro, there’s probably all this
    setup/config that has to be done and I don’t know it. I’m shooting with the
    Canon 5D mkII set up, could you do a tutorial on setting up After Effects
    and maybe a walk through for us first time beginners? Cheers, Matt

  16. toby baj says:

    Nice, but I simply achieve this by right clicking one my clips on my
    premiere pro timeline and selecting ‘Open in new after effects composition”
    and I add my effects/grading etc in after effects and premiere
    automatically adds this effect to it’s own clip. I then just render the
    effects in premiere to play it back in real time. It’s a lot easier 🙂

  17. UglyMcGregor says:


  18. Matt Timmons says:

    Thanks mate, I’ll goof around with it. But yea, maybe you could just do an
    intro to After Effects and what it does. It’s totally new to me. I thought
    it had all that confusing pre-setup menu stuff like Premier does when you
    open it the first time. Other than what the name implies, I don’t know what
    After Effects even does. Keep up the great stuff! Cheers-

  19. Albert Arriola says:

    Most underrated tip probably. A lot of people like myself have rendered and
    put it in after effects, then rerendered again to put into APP and has had
    resolution problems. Thanks a lot for this. lol this is like my tenth video
    straight watching… i should get some sleep, but its so addicting to learn.

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