Screen Print Effect | Japanese Geisha | Photoshop, Illustrator Tutorial

Screen Print Effect  |  Japanese Geisha  |  Photoshop, Illustrator Tutorial

In this tutorial I am going to demonstrate how you can create a screen print effect using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. I will be using CS6, tho don’t be …
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13 responses to “Screen Print Effect | Japanese Geisha | Photoshop, Illustrator Tutorial”

  1. JAPAN NYC says:

    Very precise explanation on this tutorial, I loved the commentary and the
    instruction, I loved this, Subbed!

  2. sunyung1980 says:

    Fantastic tutorial!!!! Thank you very much!!! :D

  3. PhoebeTwT says:

    thank you you are so talented and explained everything very clearly.

  4. Marie Pellejo says:

    Thank you soo much for this tutorial! It has greatly helped :)

  5. Jason Chae says:

    Thank you so Much!! It’s very very useful!!

  6. Kush Beats says:

    This is great! Thank you sir!

  7. Alex Papasozomenos says:

    But this is great, regardless.

  8. Alex Papasozomenos says:

    You could’ve easily just pressed ignore white in the image trace options!

  9. Miloslav Melichárek says:

    I’m little bit confused. Is it just screen print effect or is it tutorial,
    how to prepare graphics to screen print? Thank you

  10. Briyana Butler says:

    Absolutely great 

  11. Elias Anargyros says:

    You sir, are a gentlemen!!

  12. A Signman says:

    You did an excellent job. Thank You

  13. TastyTuts | Creative video tutorials by Gareth David says:

    Create a Screen Print Effect In Adobe Photoshop.

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