Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 Removing Large Objects Tutorial

Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 Removing Large Objects Tutorial

Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 Removing Large Objects Photoshop Elements 10 Tutorial InfoPuppet will teach you the easiest way to remove large unwanted objects …

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15 responses to “Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 Removing Large Objects Tutorial”

  1. cabintruth12 says:

    yes amazing I loved it your awesome unbelievable your the best

  2. EvilKittyLives says:

    These are great. Simple and to the point. The puppet is funny and also
    creepy which makes these tutorials interesting to watch. I’ve watched
    three of these now and have used what I have learned often. Thanks

  3. GameZArena2011 says:

    Awesome! Thank you very much!

  4. nina mdot says:

    INSTANT FIX! You’re giving the people what they want WOOHOO #microwave

  5. Abigail Duguay says:

    this made me laugh so hard and I now know how to get rid of all the
    unwanted people in my photos :)

  6. Devin V says:

    Cool video infopuppet

  7. Conflict Cwa says:

    I don’t have a content aware button why is that?

  8. ghbutler says:

    omfg ty

  9. Alexx Z Garbosa says:

    This puppet scares me a lot… 

  10. Zach Ahmad OrionCreativeArts says:

    I trying to do this in PS CS 5, but not working perfectly as you are.

  11. Alexx Z Garbosa says:

    This puppet scares me a lot… 

  12. Cynthia Saldana says:

    Hey, this video is the best one out there. Not boring, made me laugh, and

  13. Zach Ahmad OrionCreativeArts says:

    Funny tutor

  14. InfoPuppet says:

    Thank you Jonathan. I hope we can talk soon! InfoPuppet.

  15. Diane Di Leonardo says:


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